The next Theology on Tap – West gathering is on Wednesday, August 15, 2018, at Beachcliff Tavern in Rocky River at 7:00 PM. The group gathers every third Wednesday of the month; social, appetizers; $5 at the door. All welcome!
Young Adults! Theology On Tap, 07/18/2018
On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 and each 3rd Wednesday of the month, young adults are invited to ‘Theology on Tap’ at Beachcliff Tavern in Rocky River. 7:00 PM; social, appetizers and talk on a pertinent topic; $5 at the door.
Young Adults! Theology on Tap West, 06/20/2018
The next Theology on Tap – West gathering is “Trivia Night” On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at Beachcliff Tavern in Rocky River at 7:00 PM. The group gathers every third Wednesday of the month; social, appetizers; $5 at the door. All welcome!
Young Adults! Theology On Tap, 05/16/2018
On Wednesday, May 16, 2018, Fr. Scott Goodfellow will speak on Beer & Brewing: A Science, Art and Theology at Beachcliff Tavern in Rocky River at 7:00 PM, social, appetizers; $5 at the door. All welcome!
Theology on Tap, 12/7/2016
20s and 30s come to NightTown on Cedar on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM for appetizers, fellowship and talk. Cost is $5.00 at the door; details at or Theology on Tap-Heights. Also check out North East Ohio Catholic Young Adults:: Young Catholic Professionals Cleveland.
20s & 30s CORNER Brunch- Rescheduled for June 26, 2016
20S & 30S CORNER Third Sunday Brunch at Big Egg is moved to June 26, 2016 due to Father’s Day. Brunch is after 11:30 am Mass.
Your help is needed at the Summer Parish Retreat and the SOAP event (see separate announcements).
To make connections, see North East Ohio Catholic Young Adults; Theology on Tap; Coalition with Young Adults; new Cleveland Chapter.