(How we give flesh to our Vision, high level strategy for multiple years)
Our Strategic Goals are what we are aiming for in the next 2,5,10 years. They speak to our desired results for our whole Strategic Planning process. In our stated Goals we also identify the means we are going to use to accomplish our desired results. I’m going to address our Second Goal and its means first. #2 GOAL1 – To create a Sustainable Church – What does “sustainable” mean? According to Webster it means “ being able to maintain something at a certain level” and/or “being able to defend or uphold a particular interest”. Thus to uphold and sustain our Parish and Oratory we have to have strong internal structures that allow us to be effective and efficient. We need to have a sound financial basis through which we maintain our campuses. We need trained and capable leadership who are committed to proclaiming and living the Gospel. It means we have various up-to-date methods of communication that keep us all connected and informed. This is why the Work Groups on Facilities, Finances, Communication, Leadership and Staffing have been working for months to research Best Practices in all of these areas and what practices might work best for us. Following our Discernment process, we will start implementing the recommendations that will best serve us in becoming a Sustainable Church.
Goal #1-To create a Vibrant Church– What does “Vibrant” really mean? According to www.vocabulary.com “vibrant” means “full of energy and enthusiasm, full of spirit”! And isn’t that the kind of Church we want to be? We want to live out the example of the apostles and disciples at Pentecost who changed the world with their passionate commitment to the Good News of Jesus Christ! Thus the Work Groups on Liturgy & Worship, Faith Formation & Spiritual Development are researching current practices to strengthen and build on the programs we already have in forming disciples. Parish Council and Ministries of Charity are looking at ways to engage our parishioners and potential parishioners in a deeper way. We will continue to serve our neighbors in multiple ways through our Ministries of Charity and hopefully find new ways to coordinate our efforts with the many other organizations in our area so that we are all Stronger and more Vibrant together. Our Strategic Goals are intended to make real our Vision for 2029. We are striving to live out our Baptismal call to Discipleship in ever more meaningful ways. We are working and will continue to work toward being a more Sustainable and Vibrant Faith Community. Thank you all for your commitment to these Strategic Goals!