St. Malachy Statue
St. Malachy was Archbishop of Armagh of Ireland. He was born in 1094, was ordained a priest at the age of 25 and died in 1148. St. Charles Borromeo set him as a model before his priests, pointing out how “he zealously sought out the needy in the remotest villages and cottages of his diocese and administered the sacraments to all alike renewing the fervor of the people receiving them.” St. Malachy especially sought to instill the use of the sacraments, especially confession and matrimony while spreading the Gospel message to the people of his homeland. His most famous possessions were the “Book of Armagh” and a crozier called the “Staff of Jesus” both reported to have belonged to St. Patrick. St. Malachy was the first Irish saint canonized by a Pope. His feast day is celebrated on November 3rd. Let us pray that our intercessions through St. Malachy may enable us to grow in the grace of God as our parish grows in the family of God. —Written by Andre Prevost