A special “thank you” to the many people at St. Malachi who helped make this year’s St. Malachi Church Run a great event last Saturday! A special thank you to the runners, sponsors, music and liturgical ministers who assisted at morning Mass and the host of volunteers who provided hospitality to thousands of participants, family members and friends who came out for this annual event. Thank you!
Needed! Campus Ambassadors for the St. Malachi Church Run—March 16, 2019!
Please volunteer to welcome Runners/Walkers to our campus the morning of our Run on Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 7:30AM-11:00AM. This is a great opportunity to let people from far and wide know who we are and what we do. Info and FAQ sheets will be available for you to share with our guests at the table where you will assigned. If you can help, please contact Cathy Jacob at cathy.jacob3@gmail.com or Pat Masterson at maehoban1965@yahoo.com! Thank you!
St. Malachi Church Run, 03/16/2019
Come Join in the Fun and Building of Our Community at the Run!
Volunteer as a Campus Ambassador the day of the Run (Saturday, March 16, 2019), meeting and greeting our guests and answering FAQ. Contact Pat Masterson at maehoban1965@yahoo.com or Cathy Jacobs at jacob3@gmail.com for more details and to sign up.
If you are physically capable of walking two miles, register to participate. Don’t be scared away by the March temperatures, once you start moving you will warm up quickly! Early bird registration through 2/17/19 is $25. Log onto runstmalachi.com
Support the St. Malachi Church Run!
Support the run! Proceeds from the run go directly to our ministry of serving the poor and needy. A $250 Patron Ad (listing in the program book & websites) will help to relieve the crisis facing these individuals. Call or email the rectory for details.
St. Malachi Run – Help Needed 3/14/2015
Saturday, March 14,2015 is the 35th Anniversary St. Malachi Run, organized by Hermes Sports and Events. There will be 4,000+ runners, walkers and spectators.
St. Malachi benefits by hosting the event and providing volunteer support. Volunteers are needed to staff a water stop during the race.
Contact Diane Brinich at (216) 521-1300
When does the race begin?
•The 2-mile run begins at 9:00am and the 5-mile run begins at 9:45am.
When does race day registration begin?
•Race day registration begins at 7:30am at St. Malachi Church (2459 Washington Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44113)