Through the intercession of St. John the Baptist, help us to remember the least fortunate, and how caring for them shares in the caring of the beloved Christ-child. Bring Your generosity into our community. Amen.
Students – Come & Pray with Our Seminarians. 12/5/24 6:45 PM
Please join Fr. Gurnick for an evening of prayer and pizza with our seminarians on Thursday, December 5. We will leave the St. Patrick Rectory at 6:45pm and return by approximately 9:45pm. Transportation provided. Permission slips required for anyone under 18. Participants will be picked up at the rectory.
If you can’t join us in December, we’ll have other opportunities in 2025. Please contact Fr. Gurnick at if you’re interested in this trip to the Center for Pastoral Leadership.
Holy Hour – St. Paul Shrine every Thursday
Please join us for the Flame of Love Holy Hour every Thursday following the noon Mass at St. Paul Shrine, 4108 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44108.
Everyone is welcome.
Prayer for Christian Unity
“Do good; seek justice.”
Lord, you called your people from slavery into freedom, Give us strength and courage to seek out those who are standing in need of justice. allow us to see this need and provide help, and through your Holy Spirit gather us into the one fold of Jesus Christ, our Shepherd. Amen.
Prayer Service for Vision for Our Future,01/04/23
Please join Parish Council on Wednesday, Jan. 4 at 7 PM in the church as we kick off personal prayer to discern how St. Malachi’s will go forward, based on the options provided by the Strategic Planning groups. We will learn about discernment in prayer based on the Ignatian Exercises, as suggested by our strategic planning consultant. Through February, prayer topics will arrive weekly in the parish email announcements and bulletin, with optional Zoom sessions. We invite you to participate a lot or a little, in whatever way the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. This prayer service will also be live streamed on the St Malachi YouTube page. If you have questions, please contact Judy Slivka at or Jackie Krejcik at
Prayer for Catholic Schools Week
Almighty Father,
You sent forth your Son as a beacon of hope for all people. As Teacher, he has given us the prime example of the importance of education.
As disciples, we look to him for inspiration and strength. Thank you for the many sisters, brothers, priests, and laypeople who have dedicated their lives in service to our Catholic schools.
Thank you for the teachers and administrators who sustain our schools today.
Thank you for the parents who have given support and witness to the importance of Catholic education in their daily lives.
Thank you for the students who work hard to further their education. Bless Metro Catholic, staff & students and the many people who advance our mission.
May our building be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others. May our community always support one another and exhibit hospitality to newcomers.
Fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.
May our understanding of the world help us to grow in appreciation for it.
Fill our hearts with gladness.
May we always turn to you in times of need.
Fill our hands with the tools we need to serve others.
May we show them your unceasing love through our actions.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us. St. John Neumann, pray for us.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
– from
Parish Prays Together, Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Wherever two or three or more are gathered in prayer (6 feet or many miles apart), let us pray for all the members of our St. Malachi parish, their intentions, and all of the people on our prayer list at 7:00 PM (Eastern time) on Thursdays until we come together again.
Women’s Reflection and Prayer, 07/14/2018
All women are invited to join us on Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 10:00 AM at Centering Space, 14812 Lake Ave, for a time of being with and supporting each other in reflection, prayer and coffee! Bring a friend.
Wednesday Prayer: Praying with Teresa Of Avila, 11/01/17
Join us this Wednesday, November 1, 2017 for Praying with Teresa of Avila at 7:00 PM in church. We offer a time of prayer and reflection based on the book, Praying with Teresa of Avila by Rosemary Broughton; materials provided. You do not need to be present for every session to benefit. “For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.” (St. Teresa of Ávila)
Women’s Reflection and Prayer, 4/8/2017
All women are invited to a time of being with and supporting each other in reflection and prayer… and coffee this Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 10:00 AM at Centering Space, 14812 Lake Ave., Lakewood. Please join us and bring a friend!