Advent is a continuous call to hope. It reminds us that God is present in history, to lead us to history’s ultimate goal and fullness, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. God is the ‘God with us’. God walks beside us to support us. The Lord never abandons us. God accompanies us through the events of our lives to help us discover the meaning of the journey, the meaning of everyday life, to give us courage when we are under duress, or when we suffer in the midst of life’s storms. God always extends his hand to us!
Pope Francis Quote, 12/12-12/13/2020
Generosity that supports the weak, consoles the afflicted, relieves suffering and restores dignity to those stripped of it, is a condition for a fully human life. The ability to stretch forth our hand shows that we possess an innate capacity to act in ways that give meaning to life. Pope Francis on Twitter
Pope Francis Quote for 12/5-12/6, 2020
Prayer immerses Christians in God’s love for each and every person, and provides the missionary impulse to share the Gospel with every human person. God is God for everyone, and in Jesus every wall of separation has definitively crumbled. God’s love for us, and the love He asks in return, is the mystical root of the believer’s entire life. Angelus Message, 11/25/2020
Pope Francis Quote for Nov 28-29, 2020
The teaching of the Gospel is clear. We need to pray always, even when everything seems vain…During those nights, the one who prays is never alone. Jesus is always present with those who pray, welcoming us in His prayer, so that we might pray in Him and through Him. This is the work of the Holy Spirit,
to give wings that the human person’s prayer has always desired to possess.
Pope Francis Quote for November 21-22, 2020
Only a gaze transformed by love can enable the dignity of others to be recognized, and as a consequence, the poor to be acknowledged and valued in their dignity, respected in their identity and culture, and thus truly integrated into society. Fratelli Tutti
Pope Francis Quote for September 26-27, 2020
The present is a time for discernment in light of the principles of ethics and the common good, for the sake of the recovery desired by all…Christ urged all who heard Him, and ourselves today, not to stop at externals, but to discern sagely the signs of the times. To do so, two things are demanded, conversion and creativity. An ecological conversion is required to reconnect with the world around us. We are also called to be creative, devising fresh new ways to pursue the common good. And there needs to be the creativity of love, that inspires bold decisions, and can restore meaning to the present, in order to open it to a better future. Pope Francis to the European Forum
Message from Fr. Gurnick, 08/30/20
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
On Tuesday, September 1, 2020, Pope Francis invites us to observe the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation which will, as he stated in 2015, “offer individual believers and communities a fitting opportunity to reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he has entrusted to our care, and to implore his help for the protection of creation as well as his pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live.”
From September 1 to October 4 (Feast of Saint Francis), we’re encouraged to participate in this Season of Creation by consciously examining the way we choose to live in the world and the impact we make on our own environment. This includes local choices having global impacts.
While this Season of Creation is not a liturgical season, per se, it does call Christians to be mindful of areas where we can contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the beautiful creation entrusted to us as God’s stewards. We will be incorporating special intentions and prayers into the liturgy to foster a deeper call to our individual and communal awareness.
As Caring for God’s Creation is a key theme of Catholic social teaching we appreciate its relation to all the other important areas as we stress the dignity of human life and serve the common good. Please join us during these upcoming weeks as we prayerfully consider the call to care for God’s creation and find ways in which we can actively contribute to honoring what he has entrusted to us and to all people of good will.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Gurnick
Pope Francis Quote for 08/22/2020
When we have strong feelings of doubt and fear and we seem to be sinking, we must not be ashamed to cry out, like Peter, “Lord, save me!” This prayer is like knocking on God’s heart. We can repeat it many times. Jesus is the Father’s hand, the strong and faithful hand of the Father who never abandons us, who only wants what is good for us, coming to us not in the hurricane, the fire, the earthquake, but rather in the light breeze, that never imposes itself, but asks to be heard. Angelus message, 8/9/2020
Pope Francis Quote for 08/15/20
Do not be afraid! Christ is alive, and desires that each of you live in his light. Jesus renews us when we encounter Him. We receive the mission to transmit this experience to others, while keeping our eyes fixed on Him. And he urges us to take time to be with Him in prayer, in order to discover the true adventure of life, filled with the light of Christ’s love. Angelus Message, August 2, 2020
Pope Francis Quote, 08/08/2020
Like a sudden breaking storm, the coronavirus crisis has caught us all by surprise, abruptly changing on a global scale our personal, public, family and working lives….This dramatic situation highlights the vulnerable nature of our human condition. The pandemic has also forced us to question the roots of our happiness and to rediscover the treasure of our Christian faith. It reminds us that we have forgotten or simply delayed attending to some of the key issues in life. It is making us evaluate what is really important and necessary, and what is of secondary or only superficial importance. This crisis has shown us that, especially in times of need, we depend on our solidarity with others. In a way it is inviting us to place our lives in the services of others. It should make us aware of global injustice, and wake us up to the cry of the poor and of our gravely diseased planet. July 28, 2020
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