What a pivotal time this is for our parish! W e need a wise and caring Parish Council to lead us through these next few years. We have 4 openings for the coming election. The term length is three years. Elections will begin in May and the term starts in July. If you are interested in more information, please contact Judy Slivka at JBSlivka550@gmail.com or Cathy Graham billandcathy@roadrunner.com. We ask everyone in the parish to pray that the Holy Spirit will call the council we need for the coming years.
Interested in Being on Parish Council?
What a pivotal time this is for our parish! We need a wise and caring Parish Council to lead us through these next few years. We have 4 openings for the coming election. The term length is three years. Elections will begin in May and the term starts in July. If you are interested in more information, please contact Judy Slivka at JBSlivka550@gmail.com or Cathy Graham billandcathy@roadrunner.com. We ask everyone in the parish to pray that the Holy Spirit will call the council we need for the coming years.
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Minutes from the January 4, 2022 meeting via Zoom
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council
Minutes from the January 4, 2022 meeting via Zoom
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Brother Philip Bernier; Deacon Leo Bistak: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Margaret Armstead; Tony Cresci
Absent: Janet Benoit; Shawn Blankenship; Heather Gerheim; Melissa Smith-Morales
Guests: Shauna Sanders; Jeanette Shemo; Mike Canfield; Max Giorgi
Opening Prayer: Deacon Leo Bistak
Education & Enrichment: Shauna Saunders, Executive Director, reviewed the history and shared details about the awesome services/activities provided by Malachi Center
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from the November 2, 2021 meeting were amended and approved; volunteer tasks were filled for the next meeting.
- The current Nominating Committee is searching for diverse candidates
- The Annual Meeting, on 5/15/22, following the 10 AM mass, will included a financial council report, discussion of neighborhood plans, a tour of the library and an introduction to Brother Phil.
- The Ministerial Leadership Day, on March 26 from 1-3:30p, will focus on networking
- Pat Dowd is stepping down from his Monday Night Meal leadership role. Hot meals in clam shells from the Hall window, will continue to be provided under Raquel’s direction until a new process is developed.
- Patrick is recruiting a committee to facilitate the Valley Ford Truck Corporate Challenge with attention paid to those already contributing to parish causes.
Action: Council voted to affirm Social Action’s choice of Catholic Refugee Services as our 2022 Lenten Collection Recipient.
- Steph Riccobene shared information about an upcoming training program/one-day retreat on Faith and Racial Healing (scholarships may be available)
- Margaret Armsted reported that people are willing to donate to remodeling the gym in honor of Jimmy Bivins but need to know where it fits in our strategic planning .
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
- Library: Special thank-you’s were given to Jeannette, Steve & Willie for their help in remodeling the school library which is ready to open. This “shared home space” seats 24 and will be available by reservation through Jeannette; recycling will be observed.
- “Listening Sessions” will be scheduled during February in the church after masses
- Website: a meeting to discuss updating and improved communications will be scheduled
- Strategic planning: information on viable options will soon be available
Announcements: The next council meeting: 2/1/22
Summary of Meeting: Steph Riccobene
Closing Prayer: Patrick Cleary-Burns
Respectfully submitted, Judy Stowe, Secretary
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes, 10/03/2021
Minutes from the Oct. 3 2021 meeting in the Hall
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Deacon Leo Bistak; Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham; Melissa Smith-Morales; Heather Gerheim; Steph Riccobene; Margaret Armstead; Janet Benoit; Shawn Blankenship; Tony Cresci; Absent: Claudia Cabrera; Guests: Jeanette Shemo; Charlene McElwee; Daniel Lettenberger-Klein; Sharon Lowe-Chapman; Max Giorgi
Opening Prayer: Tony Cresci
Education & Enrichment: Daniel Lettenberger-Klein, CEO of Stella Maris, talked about their long, fond history with St. Malachi’s, highlighting the most recent connection with our convent/women’s supportive housing and the potential sale/purchase of the rectory.
Sharon Lowe-Chapman reviewed the recent Malachi Run and hopes, despite the decrease in runners & sponsorship, to break even. There are already 170 runners registered for next year’s event on 3/12/22. For logo purposes, research is needed to verify it as the “44thRun.”
Approval of the Minutes: Minutes from 9/7/21– approved; tasks were chosen for next meeting
Discussion: All agreed to talk/encourage parishioners to attend the Volunteer Luncheon at the Music Box on 10/9/21.
Plans are unfolding for the ministry retreat, “Rekindling the Embers,” on 10/30/21. As this is an all-parish event, a separate meeting for ministry chairs to discuss role priorities to decrease overlap, will be considered for spring, 2022. All supported pre-choosing of tasks for council meetings. As future building and/or remodeling projects are being named/dedicated for specific donations, Margaret Armstead, suggested Jimmy Bivins, a boxer who trained for many years in the Old Angle Gym on the 3rd floor of the school. Others to consider for naming included: Fr. Hritz, Sr. Frances and Miss Michele. Future speakers for council meetings: Judy Hilow, Director of Malachi House, on 11/2/21; Shauna Sanders, Director of Malachi Center on January 4, 2022. In response to concerns of the Hospitality Committee about food at indoor events—the medical safety standards of the Diocese of Cleveland must be followed.
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick: The Financial Budget Report & the Status Animarum Report Highlights were shared. We are waiting for directives regarding the Synod for the Diocese of Cleveland. Negotiations with Stella Maris to lease and/or buy the rectory are continuing.
Summary of Meeting: Shawn Blankenship
Closing Prayer: Janet Benoit
Next Meeting: The next meeting is on Nov. 2, 2021.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary
St. Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes from 09/07/2021
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council
Minutes from the September 7, 2021 meeting at 6:30 pm in the Hall
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham; Melissa Smith-Morales; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Margaret Armstead; Janet Benoit; Absent: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Heather Gerheim; Shawn Blankenship; Tony Cresci; Guests: Deacon Leo Bistak; Stephanie Pritts; Max Giorgi, Seminarian/Intern; Opening Prayer: Margaret Armsted
Education & Enrichment:
- Backdoor Ministry Update presented by Fr. Gurnick for Racquel Jones. Number of volunteers is down; still serving 80-120 meals per day at the north Hall door. As the weather worsens, plan to serve brief meals to small groups of guests inside.
- Steph Riccobene offered suggestions tried by the Catholic Worker meal program, plus strategies for coordinating with the shower program & for providing bikes/tents/blankets for the homeless
- Pat Dowd & Robert Blackburn working on restarting the Monday Night Meal
- Efforts are being made to reconnect with the area’s monthly “Shared Ministry Meeting”
- Malachi Run—volunteers still needed: Melissa Smith-Morales: will do packet pick-up @ McCarthy’s on 9/17 from 3:45-7p; Deacon Leo: will do packet pick-up at Dick’s in Strongsville on 9/16 from 3:45-5:15p; Cathy Graham: will do packet pick up at Dick’s on 9/16 from 5:15-7p
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from August 3, 2021 were approved as written.
- COVID & the Masses update presented by Fr. Gurnick for Charlene McElwee
- Discussion of frustration with the inconsistent policies for mask wearing
- Diocese: currently requesting masking of Eucharistic Ministers and participants in ministry meetings.
- Singing is still limited to the loft, although more mass attendees are singing along
- We will always have the reserved area with social distancing, etc.
- Worship aids (including for hearing-impaired) will continue
- Ministry Retreat: “Rekindling the Embers”—St. Malachi Day of Prayer on Saturday, October 30, 2021; Begin 10:30a in the church; 12:30p in the Hall at 12:30a (lunch plans pending) with Mass at 4p; Some questioned how specifics for ministry leaders will be addressed
- Malachi House: update by Margaret Armsted (bulletins requested)
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
- BoxCast (a growing event technology business) has recently moved into a building on Superior Viaduct. Leasing them 6 parking spots is currently being negotiated. Want to support St. Malachi’s & invest in the neighborhood
- Stella Maris has offered to buy the rectory! Discussion ensued: excellent longtime history; is historical property $ available; need to be stewards to ensure our future; need for due diligence; need for “long-term vision;” repair/rebuild the school? Fr. Gurnick to pursue: open to conversation on sale not lease; parish vision—consultant (?); discuss with finance council/facilities; explore time line for the transaction
New Business:
- Janet Benoit: Solicit volunteers for opening/closing prayer; summary for next month at end of each meeting
- We still need to consider hiring a Communications Coordinator
Summary of Meeting: Melissa Smith-Morales; Closing Prayer: Claudia Cabrera;
Next Meeting: October 5, 2021 at 6:30p in the Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary
St. Malachi Parish Pastoral Council: Minuteas from the May 4, 2021 Meeting Via Zoom
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; John Paul Stephens; Cathy Graham; Jim Bishop; Melissa Smith-Morales; Linda Wilson; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera Absent: Heather Gernheim Guests: Deacon Leo Bistak; Jeanette Shemo; Charlene McElwee; Stephanie Pritts
Opening Prayer: Claudia Cabrera
Reflection: Review of Annual Meeting—feedback & questions: There were many comments: well-organized; streamlines; concise; loved video to Fr. Jim; people seemed engaged; not enough appreciation for Sharon L-C for Malachi Run; the in-person reports not specific enough; liked hybrid—good way to connect; good model for next year; suggest welcoming cards to new people; special thanks to: Jeanette Shemo; Gary Pritts; Kevin Burke; Carrie Sekerak
Questions submitted on cards: answers will be posted ASAP
Participation: 60 were present in church with 72 viewings on You Tube
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from 4/6/21 were approved as written
Communications: Pat spoke with Mike Hayes (Young Adult Ministry) about recruiting help for website. Cathy suggested reiterating announcements at end of Masses—will be reviewed by Liturgy Commission. Council Elections: 94 parishioners have voted so far. Special thanks for help from Chris Dusek, Nancy Bistak & Cathy Graham
Getting financial info to parishioners: Per Fr. Gurnick–appropriate sharing of financial info will be resume post-COVID; the Finance Council will be figuring out how to address the many existing & upcoming challenges
Administrator’s Report : Fr. Gurnick recently met with Kerry McCormack, Ward 3 Councilman, to discuss the current activities/challenges in the area and their impact on St. Malachi’s Bridgeworks Project: In addition to Outreach Programs, concerns about parking & related traffic issues (street changes; direction issues; traffic signals) particularly for weekend Masses and funerals. Developing collaboration/coalitions with local businesses (BoxCast) for parking may be possible. Ministry Meetings are almost complete. Board Member: Fr. Gurnick has been asked to join the Boards of Malachi Center & Malachi House. Fr. Neil Walters: As of July 1, 2021, he will become pastor of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini/St. Vincent de Paul parishes in Lorain, OH. Plans for his send-off are pending. Rectory: Eventual plans for repairs to this “historic building in a landmark district” are being considered. AA/NA Meetings: Jeanette is finalizing a list of protocols and start dates. Partnership with local school: Recent visit to Metro Catholic; next are St. Stephen & St. Boniface. Council & Staff relationship: Efforts continue toward making a real connection through collaboration & integration.
Summary of Meeting: Patrick Cleary-Burns Closing Prayer: Deacon Leo Bistak Next Meeting: June 1, 2021 at 6:30p via Zoom
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary
St. Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes, 04/06/2021
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council – Minutes from the April 6, 2021 meeting via Zoom
In Attendance: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; John Paul Stephens; Cathy Graham; Jim Bishop; Melissa Smith-Morales; Linda Wilson; Heather Gerheim; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Fr. Michael Gurnick
Guests: Deacon Leo Bistak; Jeanette Shemo; Stephanie Pritts Opening Prayer: Judy Slivka
Education & Planning:
Review of Easter Triduum: Most felt soothed/blessed to be back and sing together again after almost a year; Sunday’s 10a Mass was “a full house.”
Annual Meeting: Various plans were discussed for the event to be held following the 10am Mass on April 25, 2021; options included live-streaming, Zoom & hybrid, with the latter being decided upon; the 1-hour meeting will start 10 minutes after Mass ends; water will be provided by the Hospitality Ministry.
Approval of the minutes: The minutes from the 3/2/21 meeting were approved as written
Council Terms: A 6-month term extension to 6/24 was approved for Claudia Cabrera. Currently there are 4 terms to be filled: 1 for 1 year; 3 for 3 years (see nominees below)
Announcing Council Nominees: Margaret Armsted; Janet Benoit; Shawn Blankenship; Jim Connell; Tony Cresci; Pat Masterson; council members concurred with the list.
Update of Ministry Outreach: To date Fr. Gurnick has had 1-hour conversations with representatives from the following ministries: Hospitality; Spiritual Development; Social Action; Building & Grounds; Communications.
Support for Fr. Jim: At the annual meeting, we will be videotaping messages from parishioners to be compiled and sent to him.
Prayer Petitions: We discussed the need for more frequent inclusion of the parish Ministries as well as prayers to promote awareness of climate problems and to end racism & hunger; the issue will be discussed with Fr. Hollis and submitted to the Liturgy Commission.
Back Door Evening Supper: We reviewed the current status & concluded due to COVID, it is not the best time to reevaluate. At this point, we can only dream about new ways to distribute food–maybe even a “Side Door Café?”
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
Progress is being made on facilitating the resumption of AA/NA meetings (The Angle meeting reportedly wants to return) & Jeanette is working on the logistics. Various issues must first be addressed: realistic start time (May 1? July 1?); appropriate spaces available; sanitation requirements; finances; new ordinances to be adhered to.
New building at Vermont/W. 25th: Per Bridgeworks (Ohio City Commission), plans are being finalized & many questions have emerged: how we can be a good neighbor; how will the building be used; financial strategies; traffic & parking issues. Jim Bishop was asked to be in charge of Outreach.
Crumbling Steps: Repairs will cost $24,000. Summary of Meeting: Cathy Graham
Closing Prayer: Patrick Cleary-Burns Next Meeting: May 4, 2021 at 6:30pm
Respectfully submitted, Judy Stowe, Secretary
New Parish Council Members, 2021
Congratulations to Margaret Armstead, Janet Benoit, Shawn Blankenship, and Tony Cresci who have been elected to Parish Council. Janet Benoit will assume a one-year term, the others will have a 3-year term. Thank you very much to the 135 parishioners who prayed, discerned, and voted over the past 3 weeks! We are grateful for John Paul Stephens, Jim Bishop, and Linda Wilson who are completing their terms on the Council as of June 30th. In addition, the following parishioners are currently on Council: Patrick Cleary-Burns (chair), Judy Slivka (vice-chair), Judy Stowe (secretary), Claudia Cabrera, Heather Gerheim, Stephanie Riccobene, Melissa Smith-Morales, Cathy Graham and Fr. Michael Gurnick.
Vote for Parish Council Candidates
Please prayerfully read these submissions from candidates for Parish Council. Voting will start at our
April 25th Annual Meeting and end on May 10, 2021. Here is information from our Parish Council
The Council collaborates with the Pastor in guiding the life and pastoral ministry of St. Malachi
Parish. The Council is an energizing, representative unit, in which diverse members of the parish
community bring their wisdom to bear on the issues and challenges of parish life.
It engages the entire parish community in accomplishing the mission and ministry of the church. Click here to see a list of candidate and a short bio. Click Here to vote online.
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes, 03/02/2021
In Attendance: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Deacon Leo Bistak; John Paul Stephens; Cathy Graham; Jim Bishop; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Fr. Michael Gurnick; Melissa Smith-Morales; Linda Wilson; Heather Gerheim.
Guests: Charlene McElwee; Stephanie Pritts; Jeanette Shemo; Sharon Lowe-Chapman
Opening Prayer: Cathy Graham
Education & Enrichment: Another lively discussion ensued regarding the ongoing study of “Our Parish Now and Post-COVID,” which focused mainly on the need to identify specific and active ways to enhance our mission to be welcome to all.
- The minutes from 2/2/2021 were approved as written.
- Plans to develop a weekly/bi-weekly parish news-email are progressing.
- Weekly collections are still down; Faith Direct participation has increased.
- Council 2021-2022: Judy Slivka & Cathy Graham are zeroing in on nominees
- Annual Meeting (4/25): plans for the agenda and possible after-mass Zoom format are being finalized.
- Ministry Outreach: meetings with all the minis- tries are being scheduled with Fr. Gurnick
- Malachi Run/Walk (9/18/21): Sharon Lowe- Chapman provided an excellent update including an already-growing wait list, pub- licity, sponsors & fund-raising activities.
- Communications: Patrick is working on help from the Catholic Youth Organization
Administrator’s Report: Fr. Gurnick
- Contacts are being made to find a local Catholic school to form a relationship with St. Malachi Parish.
- Openings for AA meetings at St. Malachi are being considered—more in April.
- Although guidelines for the new building on Vermont/W.25th have been revised, alternative parking areas (possibly Malachi Center) still being investigated.
Announcements: Kudos to Charlene for her amazing music programming during masses!
Summary of Meeting: Linda Wilson
Closing Prayer: Jim Bishop
Next Meeting: April 6, 2021 at 6:30 PM via Zoom
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary