Jesus says to not be afraid, not because all will be well in the world, but because for the Father, we are precious and nothing that is good will be lost. Jesus says to be fearful, instead, of one thing: throwing one’s life away. One should not be so afraid of suffering misunderstandings and criticism, of losing prestige and economic advantages in order to remain faithful to the Gospel, but of wasting one’s existence chasing after trivial things, which do not fill life with meaning. Let us ask ourselves, then…What am I afraid of? Of not having what I like? Of not reaching the goals that society imposes? Of the judgement of others? Or of not pleasing the Lord and not putting His Gospel first? Let us ask our wise Mother Mary to grant us her wisdom and courage as we consider in the choices we make. Angelus Prayer, June 25, 2023
Pope Francis Quote for July 1-2, 2023
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