On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th, Hospitality will offer a normal coffee hour after the 9AM mass. No RSVP is needed. All are invited for fellowship, coffee and bakery after mass on Thanksgiving Day.
On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th, Hospitality will offer a normal coffee hour after the 9AM mass. No RSVP is needed. All are invited for fellowship, coffee and bakery after mass on Thanksgiving Day.
November 10th is the Feast of St. Malachi. Join us for the 10:00am Sunday Liturgy and after Mass the Hospitality Committee will be hosting a brunch in the hall/school in celebration of our patronal feast.
Monday Night Meal has restarted as Take-out Only for now. We have two requests:
St Malachi St Patrick 2024-25 PreK-Gr 8 PSR is in session! For more information and the calendar of when in-person classes occur, please visit https://stpatrickbridge.org/psr/. Sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation are in addition to PSR. Contact Stephanie Pritts to discuss your child’s needs. Stephanie.P@stmalachi.org Office: 216-631-6872 x2201.
Let’s keep in prayer all those journeying together with the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, OCIA (formerly called the RCIA). The core team and our neophytes are accompanying unbaptized catechumens and baptized candidates seeking full communion in the Church. Also, some are engaged to be married and future spouses are included in this group. We walk together on a journey of faith toward celebration of Sacraments of Initiation at the 2025 Easter Vigil. Let us pray for the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit!
If you or someone you know is interested in the Catholic Church or you or someone in your family would like to enter into preparation to receive a sacrament, please contact Stephanie Pritts, at 216-631-6872 x2110 stephanie.p@stmalachi.org
Centering Prayer is every Tuesday from 10:00 to 10:30am. Centering Prayer is another way of being with God. To learn more about it or to join the group, please call Mary Warren – she has experience and resources to learn about and experience Centering Prayer. Her phone number is 216-221-2975. She will send you the Zoom link a few days before the prayer.
Please join us for prayer on Saturday, and bring a friend! Nov. 9, at 10am to 12:00pm. We look forward to sharing and praying with you whether you have been with us before, or this is your first time. Our prayer time is Scripture-based guided meditation, often directly from the books in the Taste and Receive Series by Jacqueline Bergan and Marie Schwan, CSJ, based on the Ignatian Exercises. We’ll also have time to talk and get to know one another. We plan to gather at 10am on ZOOM AND at Centering Space,14812 Lake Ave. Click HERE for the Zoom Meeting. Contact Jackie for more information jackierose@aol.com.
In honor of National Recycling Day, The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph is hosting an event to collect items that cannot be recycled in your household curb-side bin. On Nov. 9th, from 10am-12pm please bring any of the following items to 3430 Rocky River Drive in Cleveland: holiday lights, DVDs, CDs, VCRs, audio tapes, computers, laptops, printers, stereos, radios, cell phones, tablets, GPS, gaming systems, handheld electronics, print cartridges. Volunteers will be available to unload your car and you don’t even need to get out. For questions, call 216-251-0303.
The Divine Mercy Group at St. Patrick Parish has the mission to inspire parishioners to personally invite family, friends, or acquaintances to join us all for Holy Mass. A personal invitation can make all the difference. The weekend of November 9th and 10th there will be invitation packets at the doors of the church. Please consider taking two invite packets. One is for you and the other is to invite someone to experience Mass with you. Let us embrace this sacred opportunity to renew our faith and deepen our devotion to the Eucharistic heart of Jesus by inviting all to come and experience His real presence among us.
THEOLOGY ON THE ROCKS WEST – For Adults 40 & Over – Join us Monday, Nov. 11, 7pm. Westside Irish American Club, 8559 Jennings Rd. Olmsted Twp., “We had the National Eucharistic Revival, now what?” Fr. Damian Ference, Vicar for Evangelization, will discuss how we can continue to bring the Real Presence of the Eucharist to our parish communities and beyond. Advance tickets highly recommended for catering purposes. Register in advance: www.theologyontherockswest.com
Register for both East and West events at dioceseofcleveland.org/totcle
Vocation Discernment for Men: Come & See Weekend at Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries. All young men are invited to experience life in the seminary. Call 440-943-7631 or visit CLEpriesthood.org to register. The following dates are scheduled for these opportunities:
Vocation Discernment for Women: Special Gathering – A time for women (ages 18+) who are considering consecrated life, or actively discerning, to come together in prayer and fellowship on January 11, 2025. For more information call 440-943-7631.
Come & Pray with Our Seminarians – Please join Fr. Gurnick for any evening of prayer and pizza with our seminarians on Thursday, December 5. We will leave the St. Patrick Rectory at 6:45pm and return by approximately 9:45pm. Transportation provided. Permission slips required for anyone under 18. They may be picked up at the rectory. If you can’t join us in December, we’ll have other opportunities in 2025. Please contact Fr. Gurnick at mgurnick@dioceseofcleveland.org if you’re interested in this trip to the Center for Pastoral Leadership.
EARLY GIVING begins on Saturday, November 23 and continues through GIVING TUESDAY on December 3.
Our goal this year is $70,000 for all our ministries with a portion of this year’s money raised to provide enhanced safety on our campus. Your contribution will allow us to continue to serve poor & homeless individuals and to ensure a welcoming and secure space for all.
As an added incentive, each $1,000 donor will be entered into a drawing to win a Gourmet Dinner for Eight prepared by Fr Gurnick and the parish team. Please take advantage of this unique giving opportunity to help us reach our goal! CLICK HERE or go to www.wegivecatholic.org/organization/St-Malachi-Church to give any time between Nov. 23 – Dec 3rd.
New E-mail Contacts – Please send all future bulletin submissions to Eileen, eileen.l@stmalachi.org or Christy, christy.b@stmalachi.org.
November – December 2024
St Malachi St Patrick 2024-25 PreK-Gr 8 PSR is in session! For more information and the calendar of when in-person classes occur, please visit https://stpatrickbridge.
If you 0r someone you know is interested in the Catholic Church or you or someone in your family would like to enter into preparation to receive a sacrament, please contact Stephanie Pritts, at 216-631-6872 x2110 stephanie.p@stmalachi.
Centering Prayer is every Tuesday from 10:00 to 10:30am. Centering Prayer is another way of being with God. To learn more about it or to join the group, please call Mary Warren – she has experience and resources to learn about and experience Centering Prayer. Her phone number is 216-221-2975. She will send you the Zoom link a few days before the prayer.
All Families are invited to Family Mass! You do not need to be enrolled in PSR or receiving a sacrament this year to attend. It will be on November 3rd at 5:00pm at St. Pat’s. Come ready to sing and worship with our young families. stpatrickbridge.org/family-
In honor of National Recycling Day, The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph is hosting an event to collect items that cannot be recycled in your household curb-side bin. On Nov. 9th, from 10am-12pm please bring any of the following items to 3430 Rocky River Drive in Cleveland: holiday lights, DVDs, CDs, VCRs, audio tapes, computers, laptops, printers, stereos, radios, cell phones, tablets, GPS, gaming systems, handheld electronics, print cartridges. Volunteers will be available to unload your car and you don’t even need to get out. For questions, call 216-251-0303.
The Divine Mercy Group at St. Patrick Parish has the mission to inspire parishioners to personally invite family, friends, or acquaintances to join us all for Holy Mass. A personal invitation can make all the difference. The weekend of November 9th and 10th there will be invitation packets at the doors of the church. Please consider taking two invite packets. One is for you and the other is to invite someone to experience Mass with you. Let us embrace this sacred opportunity to renew our faith and deepen our devotion to the Eucharistic heart of Jesus by inviting all to come and experience His real presence among us.
On November 10th we will celebrate our patronal Feast Day! Following the 10:00am Sunday Liturgy the Hospitality Committee will be hosting a brunch in the hall in celebration of the Feast of St. Malachi.
THEOLOGY ON THE ROCKS WEST – For Adults 40 & Over – Join us Monday, Nov. 11, 7pm. Westside Irish American Club, 8559 Jennings Rd. Olmsted Twp., “We had the National Eucharistic Revival, now what?” Fr. Damian Ference, Vicar for Evangelization, will discuss how we can continue to bring the Real Presence of the Eucharist to our parish communities and beyond. Advance tickets highly recommended for catering purposes. Register in advance: www.theologyontherockswest.com
THEOLOGY ON TAP WITH BISHOP MICHAEL WOOST – Tuesday, November 19, 7-9pm | Forest City Brewery, 2135 Columbus Rd., Cleveland. Parking is available at St. Wendelin. The very term Eucharist is derived from the Greek work eucharistein, which means “thanksgiving.” Come learn how the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist which is the “source and summit of the Christian life” is the highest form of thanksgiving that we can offer. Register online at dioceseofcleveland.org/totcle.
Vocation Discernment for Men: Come & See Weekend at Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries. All young men are invited to experience life in the seminary. Call 440-943-7631 or visit CLEpriesthood.org to register.The following dates are scheduled for these opportunities:
November 9, 2024
February 1-2, 2025
March 29-30, 2025
Vocation Discernment for Women: Special Gathering – A time for women (ages 18+) who are considering consecrated life, or actively discerning, to come together in prayer and fellowship on January 11, 2025. For more information call 440-943-7631.
Come & Pray with Our Seminarians – Please join Fr. Gurnick for any evening of prayer and pizza with our seminarians on Thursday, December 5. We will leave the St. Patrick Rectory at 6:45pm and return by approximately 9:45pm. Transportation provided. Permission slips required for anyone under 18. They may be picked up at the rectory. If you can’t join us in December, we’ll have other opportunities in 2025. Please contact Fr. Gurnick at mgurnick@dioceseofcleveland.
New E-mail Contacts – Please send all future bulletin submissions to Eileen, eileen.l@stmalachi.org
Join the Spiritual Development Commission, this Monday, October 28 at 6:30pm for a Zoom meeting. We will be talking about a book study about “Eager to Love” by Richard Rohr and reviewing past prayers and events.
Join uillean piper extraordinaire Brian Bigley and friends for a rousing evening of traditional Irish music on Saturday, November 2 at 8pm at St. Malachi Church. This pipers workshop every year, culminates in a wonderful presentation by attendees and guest artists.
Tickets are available on the Eventbrite site and with the special code MALACHI, St. Malachi and St. Patrick’s parishioners get a 50% discount.!!!
Tickets are also available at the door, but discount is online. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/annual-cleveland-pipers-concert-2024-tickets-940384434157?aff=erelpanelorg
On Saturday, November 2, Saint Patrick will host an 8:30am All Souls’ Mass followed by a walk to Monroe Avenue Cemetery for brief prayers as we commemorate the Dead. Bring your coffee mug and fill it up after Mass before heading to the cemetery. All are welcome to join us for this special devotion. For those unable to walk, please feel free to drive over and meet the group at the cemetery entrance.
Please join Fr. Gurnick for an evening of prayer and pizza with our seminarians on Thursday, December 5. We will leave the St. Patrick Rectory at 6:45pm and return by approximately 9:45pm. Transportation provided. Permission slips required for anyone under 18. Participants will be picked up at the rectory.
If you can’t join us in December, we’ll have other opportunities in 2025. Please contact Fr. Gurnick at mgurnick@dioceseofcleveland.org if you’re interested in this trip to the Center for Pastoral Leadership.
For Adults 40 & Over – Join us Monday, Nov. 11 Westside Irish American Club, 8559 Jennings Rd. Olmsted Twp., “We had the National Eucharistic Revival, now what?”
Fr. Damian Ference, Vicar for Evangelization, Sec for Parish Life & Special Ministries, & Prof. of Philosophy at Borromeo Seminary, will discuss how we can continue to bring the Real Presence of the Eucharist to our parish communities and beyond. Cost is $15.00 per person which includes light appetizers & refreshments. Cash Bar is also available. Advance tickets highly recommended for catering purposes. Register in advance: www.theologyontherockswest.com
Doors open at 6:30pm. Program begins at 7pm.
Mass & Espresso Your Faith | Oct 20 at 10AM at St. Malachi’s | We’ll attend the 10AM Mass at St. Malachi’s and walk next door for donuts and coffee. This is a great way to meet fellow young adults and talk about our faith. For more information contact Marisol at
You are invited to St Malachi’s Samaritan Ministry
program: The Problem with Alcohol & Other Drugs—Impact on The Family from 1–3:45PM Saturday, October 26 in the Stella Maris auditorium (entrance is through the Coffee Shop at 1302 Winslow Ave., Cleveland, 44113). Free parking is available behind the building. Complimentary refreshments will be available from 12:30-1PM and an optional 4PM Mass at St Malachi’s (across the street) will close the day. Register at bit.ly/RegisterAAF2024. For questions contact Judy Stowe at 216-280-0675; judystowe@gmail.com. Brochures are at church doors.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!