Please participate in the annual Giving Project to benefit Malachi Center’s Christmas party for the homeless. The Center is counting on our donations to fill backpacks that will be given to people they serve. Select items from the wish list; purchase one or more of the gifts; and bring them to Church by Sunday, December 6th. Envelopes for CASH, GIFT CARD (Walmart or Sam’s Club), or CHECK should be put in the collection basket. *Consider ordering your gift donation online and sending it directly to Malachi Center 2416 Superior Viaduct, Cleveland, OH 44113. The Center has made the following three wish lists to make things easier.
Malachi Center Homeless Winter Duffel Bag
Malachi Center Homeless Toiletries Wishlist:
Malachi Center Family Programming Wishlist: Your gifts will bring a smile and a bit of comfort to those in need this Christmas.
Wish List: Duffel bags; White socks; Men’s and Women’s white T-shirts – Mens’s Sizes- L, XL, XXL, XXXL; Women’s sizes- L, XL, XXL; Winter Hats; Gloves; Hand warmers; Spray deodorant; Vaseline; Disposable Razors; Shaving cream; After shave lotion; Travel size Toothbrushes & Toothpaste, Shampoo, Lotion, & Soap. Walmart and/or Sam’s Club gift cards are also appreciated, and are used to purchase items still needed. Contact Shauna at (216) 771-3036 for more information.