Minutes from the Oct. 3 2021 meeting in the Hall
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Deacon Leo Bistak; Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham; Melissa Smith-Morales; Heather Gerheim; Steph Riccobene; Margaret Armstead; Janet Benoit; Shawn Blankenship; Tony Cresci; Absent: Claudia Cabrera; Guests: Jeanette Shemo; Charlene McElwee; Daniel Lettenberger-Klein; Sharon Lowe-Chapman; Max Giorgi
Opening Prayer: Tony Cresci
Education & Enrichment: Daniel Lettenberger-Klein, CEO of Stella Maris, talked about their long, fond history with St. Malachi’s, highlighting the most recent connection with our convent/women’s supportive housing and the potential sale/purchase of the rectory.
Sharon Lowe-Chapman reviewed the recent Malachi Run and hopes, despite the decrease in runners & sponsorship, to break even. There are already 170 runners registered for next year’s event on 3/12/22. For logo purposes, research is needed to verify it as the “44thRun.”
Approval of the Minutes: Minutes from 9/7/21– approved; tasks were chosen for next meeting
Discussion: All agreed to talk/encourage parishioners to attend the Volunteer Luncheon at the Music Box on 10/9/21.
Plans are unfolding for the ministry retreat, “Rekindling the Embers,” on 10/30/21. As this is an all-parish event, a separate meeting for ministry chairs to discuss role priorities to decrease overlap, will be considered for spring, 2022. All supported pre-choosing of tasks for council meetings. As future building and/or remodeling projects are being named/dedicated for specific donations, Margaret Armstead, suggested Jimmy Bivins, a boxer who trained for many years in the Old Angle Gym on the 3rd floor of the school. Others to consider for naming included: Fr. Hritz, Sr. Frances and Miss Michele. Future speakers for council meetings: Judy Hilow, Director of Malachi House, on 11/2/21; Shauna Sanders, Director of Malachi Center on January 4, 2022. In response to concerns of the Hospitality Committee about food at indoor events—the medical safety standards of the Diocese of Cleveland must be followed.
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick: The Financial Budget Report & the Status Animarum Report Highlights were shared. We are waiting for directives regarding the Synod for the Diocese of Cleveland. Negotiations with Stella Maris to lease and/or buy the rectory are continuing.
Summary of Meeting: Shawn Blankenship
Closing Prayer: Janet Benoit
Next Meeting: The next meeting is on Nov. 2, 2021.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary