On Good Shepherd Sunday, Pope Francis recalled that the sheep know their shepherd’s voice, as he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. The Lord calls us by name, because He loves us. But the Gospel then tells us, there are other voices, not to be followed: those of strangers, thieves and outlaws who want to harm the sheep, His sheep. There is God’s voice, which speaks kindly to the conscience, and there is the tempting voice that leads to evil.
We can learn to discern God’s inspiration of the insinuation of the evil one…to discern between these two voices…which speak different languages and have opposite ways of knocking on the door of our hearts. God’s voice never forces us. God does not impose Himself, whereas the evil voice seduces, assails, forces, arousing dazzling illusions and emotions that are tempting but transient. God’s voice never promises cheap joy. It invites us to go beyond our ego to find that true good peace…The Lord loves sunlight, truth and sincere transparency. Let us ask for the grace to recognize and follow the voice of the Good shepherd, who brings us out of the enclosure of darkness and selfishness, and leads us to the pastures of true freedom. Regina Coeli talk, May 3, 2020