Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I recently encountered a young gentleman visiting our neighborhood while walking over to the Westside Market. Our encounter occurred as I was walking through the parking lot of Dave’s Market. He smiled and warmly greeted me with, “Good afternoon, Pastor.” I offered a reply. He then proceeded, “do you have a minute?” “Of course,” was my response as we paused for conversation. The gentleman asked if I would pray for a family member experiencing serious health issues. In addition to my promise to pray for the individual I asked if we could offer a prayer together at that moment. He accepted the invitation and we prayed. We prayed for his loved one, for him and the family, and for everyone who is struggling with illness.
As we were moving to part ways he thanked me and said, “thanks for sharing your belief in Jesus with me today.” Although I hesitated for a moment, I couldn’t help but inquire, “what denomination are you?” He answered, “Muslim.” Almost apologetically I told this kindred soul that I naturally assumed he was Christian. Smiling, he said, “you believe in a God who rose from the dead. If this is true, who else would I have pray for me and my family?” As we said goodbye he wished me a “Happy Easter.”
You believe in a God who rose from the dead. If this is true, who else would I have pray for me and my family? Oh, what faith in the hearts who hear the Word of God!
On this most sacred day as we renew our own baptismal promises, are we as convinced as this humble Muslim man who recognizes the power of He who rose from the dead and promises the fullness of life? Are we proclaiming and sharing what we have received?
Felix Pascha! Beatus paschae! Felicias Pascuas! Al Masih Kam…Hakkah kam!” Any way you translate it, may the joy and glory of Easter help us to recognize the power of the Resurrection!
Easter blessings,
Fr. Gurnick