On June 22, 2022, St Malachi and St Patrick parishes gathered for a meal and a presentation on “radical hospitality.” What makes hospitality radical? Our speaker Jane Angha called us to ponder how we and our ministries can help imbed hospitality into parish life to create a consistent culture of belonging. She reminded us how the Gospel tells us Jesus noticed, listened, and responded to others. As disciples of Jesus, we’re challenged to the discipline of consistently greeting, listening, and responding to all people in our parishes. And consistent graciousness is radical! Let’s challenge ourselves to move out of our comfort zones and truly connect with others, to reach out with authenticity, and move beyond small talk to discover how people are doing. Consistent graciousness prepares a person’s heart to encounter the love of Jesus. Let us each help make the Church feel like home. Let’s ponder, pray, and share! Jane will return in September for more conversation. To share ideas, speak with the Core Team: Therese Mullen, Claudia Cabrera, Tony Coyne, and Christy Bartley, or contact Stephanie Pritts at stephanie.p@stmalachi.org.