If you are available on Mondays and would like to volunteer to count the Sunday Collections, please call the Rectory (216-861-5343). We are looking for at least one counter for the first Sunday of the month and counters for the Second and Fifth (only occurs four times a year) Sundays of the month
Sunday Mornings at St. Malachi 10.18.2020 11:00AM
Join us on Sunday, October 18, 2020 after the 10AM Mass for Praying With St. Therese of Lisieux (The Little Flower). We will be using Companions for the Journey as our guide for prayer and it will be facilitated by the Spiritual Development Commission. You will find us in the hall at approximately 11AM. Light refreshments and fellowship will be available.
——During Covid, facial masks and social distancing are required for all activities on the parish campus with maximum occupancy strictly enforced at all times.
St. Malachi LiveStream Mass, 10AM Sunday, 10/4/2020
We are pleased to make Sunday Mass available via Live Stream. The stream will begin a few minutes before 10AM on Sunday, October 4,2020.
The Mass is being streamed via YouTube. If you wish, you can also access the any St. Malachi Live Stream from the St. Malachi Church YouTube Channel. Click on the “Videos” section and select “Live Streams”.
Once the Live Stream is complete, a recording of the service will be available on the YouTube page.
St. Malachi Parish Council Elections – 10/3-10/13/2020
Please vote for five candidates for Parish Council. Elections open on Saturday, October 3, 2020 and close Sunday, October 11. 2020. You can vote either on line bit.ly/SMCCouncilVote , in person on 10/3 and 10/4/2020 after Mass at a table in the parking lot, or request a ballot from the rectory to be mailed and returned by 10/13 to the rectory. Please vote only once.
Faithful Citizenship Presentation 9.20.2020 11:00am
Join us after 10AM Mass on September 20, 2020 for Faithful Citizenship. The presentation provides parishioners with the resources necessary to be more adequately informed voters, and to more actively participate in their government in keeping with Catholic Social Teaching.
Lenten Mission Project – KINO Border Initiative V2.0, 08/23/20 11:00 AM
Join us on Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 11:00 AM to reimagine our Lenten tradition of youth selling homemade goods and donating the money raised to KINO. We are looking for youth of all ages (5 to 100) who are creative to make a few handicrafts to donate to these efforts. We will have our sale outside in the parking lot after 11AM Mass. We are calling this a trunk sale and will have socially distanced vehicles with a variety of items. If you are able to donate craft items, please contact Cathy Graham at billandcathy@roadrunner.com or 216-570-0877 by August 17. To date the parish has raised $542.28 for KINO.
Sunday Mornings at St. Malachi, August 2020
Join us each Sunday at 11:00 AM for fellowship (while respecting social distancing) after Mass. Sunday Mornings will provide – packaged cookies and drinks. We are asking that those wishing to reconnect to park in the Church parking lot (between the hall and the Center) and to bring a mask and a lawn chair. We will sit at least 6 feet apart and catch up with one another. If you are not able to join us, feel free to grab a pack of cookies for the road.
Showing Up for Racial Justice, 08/09/2020 11:00 AM
Join Sunday Mornings at St. Malachi’s as we welcome a representative from Showing Up for Racial Justice North East Ohio (SURJ). They will be speaking in the church parking lot at 11:00 AM Sunday, August 9, 2020. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves to end white supremacy and build a racially just society with passion and accountability. SURJ provides a space to build relationships, skills, and political analysis to act for change. Avery Martin will help us understand the issues our nation is facing with the struggle of ongoing racism and how we can become part of the solution. Free will offering at event to support the work of SURJ NEO and Black Lives Matter-Cleveland.
Sunday Mornings at St. Malachi 7.26.2020 11:00am
Join us on Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 11AM for fellowship (while respecting social distancing) after Mass. Sunday Mornings will provide – packaged cookies and drinks. We are asking that those wishing to reconnect to park in the Church parking lot (between the hall and the Center) and to bring a mask and a lawn chair (don’t worry we will have extra chairs if you can’t bring one). We will sit at least 6 feet apart and catch up with one another. We will have 6 foot sections marked on the black top with chalk. If you are not able to join us, feel free to grab a pack of cookies for the road.
Sunday Mornings @ St. Malachi’s Resumes 7.12.2020 11:00am
Join us Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 11AM for fellowship (while respecting social distancing) after Mass. Sunday Mornings will provide – packaged cookies and drinks. We are asking that those wishing to reconnect to park in the Church parking lot (between the hall and the Center) and to bring a mask and a lawn chair. We will sit at least 6 feet apart and catch up with one another. If you are not able to join us, feel free to grab a pack of cookies for the road.
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