We have an opening for a team to set up and clean up for coffee hour once every 6 weeks. If you would like to support hospitality in this way please contact Cathy Graham at cathy.g@stmalachi.org (216) 570 0877.
by Sharon Jesse
We have an opening for a team to set up and clean up for coffee hour once every 6 weeks. If you would like to support hospitality in this way please contact Cathy Graham at cathy.g@stmalachi.org (216) 570 0877.
by Sharon Jesse
There will be an outreach to the neighborhood, especially all the high rises, on December 12. If you have an event, prayer, or anything else you want to invite our neighbors to, please have 100 copies of the information (flyers) to the church office by Wednesday December 11 at noon.
Two parishioners will deliver them to our neighbors the following day.
by Sharon Jesse
Please join us to prepare the church for Holy Week and the Triduum! The schedule is as follows:
Palm Sunday prep will be done Friday, March 22 at 4PM, and mostly involves ironing altar linens.
Holy Thursday will be after the noon Mass on Tuesday, March 26. In addition to a change of linens, the altar of repose is prepared, along with items for the foot washing ritual.
St Malachi is hosting the Easter Vigil this year for both St Patrick and St Malachi parishes. There will be LOTS of set up to do, including linens, flowers, baptismal font, banners and candles.
We will do this after the 3PM Good Friday service, followed by a fish fry at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Tremont for those interested. Any questions, please contact Carol at 216-225-7130. Thank you in advance for your help!
by Sharon Jesse
Please join us at Coffee Hour next week and sign Christmas Cards for our neighbors at Lakeview Towers. On Dec. 10th we will be distributing Dave’s Gift Cards to them enclosed in these cards and wishing them Christmas Blessings.
by Sharon Jesse
Many of you may have noticed that the baptismal font is not on the altar. Pat ( former MNM coordinator) and Kathy Dowd, have donated the funds to repair and paint the baptismal font.
The font will return by Easter. Thank you Pat and Kathy for your generous donation! St, Malachi is truly blessed.
by Sharon Jesse
Special thanks to all who made our Christmas celebrations so beautiful: staff, clergy, cleaners, decorators, musicians, cantors & choir members, liturgical ministers, sacristans & faith-filled people. How beautiful and how blest we are to have so many dedicated AND talented volunteers!
by Kevin Burke
What a pivotal time this is for our parish! W e need a wise and caring Parish Council to lead us through these next few years. We have 4 openings for the coming election. The term length is three years. Elections will begin in May and the term starts in July. If you are interested in more information, please contact Judy Slivka at JBSlivka550@gmail.com or Cathy Graham billandcathy@roadrunner.com. We ask everyone in the parish to pray that the Holy Spirit will call the council we need for the coming years.
by Sharon Jesse
Please consider volunteering for a few hours to assist with meal preparation, clean-up and serving. The Back Door Ministry serves guests at the Washington St. entrance of the Parish Hall. Guests are served at the door & no guest enters the hall.
Volunteers are needed from 9AM-1:30PM.
Please call the rectory if interested- (216) 861-5343
by Sharon Jesse
St Patrick and St Malachi have partnered with Metro Catholic School starting with the 2021-22 school year! Volleyball coaches are needed by mid-August and basketball coaches are needed by mid-November for Metro Catholic students. Please contact Rachael Lash at lashr@metrocatholic.net for details. Thanks!
by Sharon Jesse
Please consider volunteering for a few hours to assist with meal preparation, clean-up and serving. The Back Door Ministry serves guests at the Washington St. entrance of the Parish Hall. Guests are served at the door & no guest enters the hall. Volunteers are needed from 9AM-1:30PM. Please call the rectory if interested.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!