Join us for supper on April 9, 2016 at 5:30, at Las Fronteras Mexican Restaurant.
It is located at 3292 Fulton Rd., (at Carlyle Ave).
There is parking on Carlyle Ave. Call Chris Dusek with questions: 216 631-6961.
Join us for supper on April 9, 2016 at 5:30, at Las Fronteras Mexican Restaurant.
It is located at 3292 Fulton Rd., (at Carlyle Ave).
There is parking on Carlyle Ave. Call Chris Dusek with questions: 216 631-6961.
Enrich your Easter experience by joining us on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 7:00PM for Taizé Prayer a meditative, candlelit service including simple chants sung repeatedly, rich silence and prayers of praise and intercession.
Join us in the church whether you have prayed this way before or this is the first time!
On Sunday, April 10, 2016 at the 11:30AM liturgy , we celebrate the baptism of Oliver Francis, son of Theresa and Phil Williams.
As he is called “my beloved” and grafted forever onto God’s Tree of Life, we again renew our baptismal promise to follow Jesus more closely and to be a community of His love.
Brunch at Big Egg is each third Sunday after 11:30 am Mass. Young Catholic Professionals now has a Cleveland chapter; “like” them on Facebook at ycpcleveland.
More opportunities at cyacleveland. org &
Contact Stephanie at the rectory for more info and to be added to group email list.
Exploring Pope Francis’ Encyclical, “On Care of Our Common Home” is our evening speaker series with presentations/reflections at 7:00 PM in the hall on April 6, 2016. Deacon Leo Bistak will present Chapters 5 and 6.
If you have one, bring your copy of the Encyclical. On Care of Our Common Home, Laudato Si invites us to a different way of looking at our world and all that is in it.
On Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10:00 AM-2:30 PM young adults are invited to reflect on the mysteries of Easter, and to learn and employ skills for discernment. Fr. Joe Fortuna, pastor and seminary professor, will lead the morning reflection; the discernment presentation will follow at 12:30. Join us at Cuvilly House, 18021 Marcella Rd. Cleveland, 44119. Cost is $15.00 for materials and lunch. RSVP to Sr. Kate Hine SND, or 440-476-6094 by Wednesday, March 30th.
Friday April 1, 2016 is the 50th anniversary of the death of Sr. Ignatia Gavin, CSA, founder of Rosary Hall and pioneer of alcoholism treatment. Rosary Hall is hosting an open house from 4-6pm at Charity Hospital. Charity Hospital is located at 2351 East 22Street, Cleveland.
The annual Sr. Ignatia Memorial Mass is Saturday April 2nd at 6:30pm at St. Patrick Church on Bridge Avenue. There is a reception at the club afterward.
Fr. John Manning, professor of Church History at St. Mary Seminary, will address “The Building of the Churches in Cleveland: The Good News and the Bad News” on Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 11:30am at the Cleveland City Club, 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd floor.
Discount parking is available at Euclid-Prospect Gateway Garage for $3 with First Friday Club stamp. Lunch is $20; reservations:
Cheryl Zelenka email: or call 440-390-0172.
A Tenebrae Service of Shadows & Light will be held Monday of Holy Week, Monday, March 21, 2106 at 7:00PM at St. Barbara Church for all the parishes of our Central West District. Parking is available in the church lot and at the school across the street.
Tenebrae is a Holy Week devotion which dates back to the 7th or 8th century and is characterized by scripture, hymns and the successive extinguishing of candles as the service progresses. This beautiful prayer has become a long standing collaboration of our Central West parishes.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!