Our slide presentation of the Passion according to Mark will be available for reflection on our YouTube channel with the following links:
https://youtu.be/3shzsj_NzTI?si=xfH_HXI98sGSWoLL or bit.ly/StMalachi21Passion.
by Sharon Jesse
Our slide presentation of the Passion according to Mark will be available for reflection on our YouTube channel with the following links:
https://youtu.be/3shzsj_NzTI?si=xfH_HXI98sGSWoLL or bit.ly/StMalachi21Passion.
by Ed Shemo
St. Patrick’s will bless Easter Food Baskets on Holy Saturday from 10AM-Noon in front of the rectory. Drive up or walk up. St. Patrick’s is located at 3602 Bridge Ave.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings, homily and welcoming comments by Father Gurnick celebrated on Easter Sunday. To listen to the Mass , first access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here.
To view the entire Livestream, Click Here
by Sharon Jesse
Good Friday is a day of abstinence from meat for all Catholics who are over 14 years of age and of fasting for Catholics from their 18th through 59th birthday. People with fragile health, special medical conditions or other serious reasons are not required to fast.
by Sharon Jesse
Holy Week at St. Malachi Church
An asterisk (* )indicates the service will be livestreamed
Passion Sunday-Palm Sunday – Saturday, March 27-4:00pm and Sunday, March 28: 10am*
Blessing of Palms and Proclamation of the Lord’s Passion
Passion Proclamation with illustrations will be found at bit.lyStMalachi21Passion
The Sacred Paschal Triduum
Holy Thursday, April 1 – 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper *
Adoration will continue until approximately 9:30 PM
Good Friday, April 2 – 12 Noon-Solemn Stations of the Cross
3:00PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion *
Holy Saturday, April 3 – 8:30 pm The Easter Vigil *
(Note: No 4:00pm Mass on Holy Saturday)
Easter Sunday, April 4 – Mass at 10:00am *
by Sharon Jesse
Your help to prepare the church for the Holy Week and Easter celebrations is needed!
Tuesday, March 30: After Noon Mass we will set-up for Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Friday, April 2: After the 3PM Good Friday Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, we will prepare for the Easter Vigil. All ages are welcome to help.
by Sharon Jesse
St. Patrick’s will bless Easter Food Baskets on Holy Saturday from 9:30AM-Noon in front of the Church. Stay in your car while Deacon Bill Merriman, Deacon Bill Staab, and Deacon Leo Bistak bless your Easter Food. St. Patrick’s is located at 3602 Bridge Ave.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share this homily preached by Deacon Leo Bistak on the Fifth Sunday of Easter at the 11:30 AM Mass. To listen to the homily, first access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share this homily preached by Father Wenz on Divine Mercy Sunday at the 11:30 AM Mass. To listen to the homily, first access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share this homily preached by Deacon Leo Bistak on Divine Mercy Sunday at the 11:30 AM Mass. To listen to the homily, first access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!