The Steering Committee for Parish Collaboration consists of six members from St. Patrick and six members from St. Malachi. They are currently in the “data gathering phase” of the process of changing the canonical status of St. Malachi to an oratory connected to the parish of St. Patrick. The Steering Committee members toured both campuses and met twice in December with our consultant Rosie Dolan Baker.
Next steps for the committee include interviewing staff members at both parishes and researching other Oratories in the Cleveland Diocese as well as one in Chicago which will greatly inform this process. They will also be meeting with diocesan clergy regarding the implications in Canon Law regarding oratories, and they will attend a two-day work retreat in January. Following the retreat, Working Groups will be formed regarding several specific parish issues such as finances, ministries, worship, staffing, etc.. If you’d like to serve on one of the work groups, please email