The Rectory will be closed from Wednesday, Nov. 22nd to Friday, Nov. 24, 2023.
May you and your family have blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
by Sharon Jesse
The Rectory will be closed from Wednesday, Nov. 22nd to Friday, Nov. 24, 2023.
May you and your family have blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
by Sharon Jesse
This weekend the #weGiveCatholic team will be at all the Masses at the Main Church Entrance and at Sunday Coffee Hour to accept Early Giving donations. #weGiveCatholic donation envelopes will be in the pews and at the doors of the church
by Sharon Jesse
Thanksgiving Day was established to remember and give thanks to God for all our blessings. Please join with the people of St. Patrick and St. Wendelin for Mass on Thanksgiving morning at 9AM at St. Malachi. There will be a social with Back Door Ministry after Mass.
by Nadge Herceg
We will honor our beloved dead during our annual Mass of Remembrance on Saturday, November 11,2023 at the 4PM Vigil Mass. Invitations will be sent very
If you have lost a loved one this year and want them to be remembered, please call (216-861-5343) or email Charlene at the rectory at
by Ed Shemo
We are thrilled to announce the return of #weGiveCatholic on November 28, 2023, a one-day fundraiser dedicated to supporting St. Malachi Ministries – The Heart of Our Church. Your incredible support has made a real difference, and we’re truly thankful for your commitment to our mission of nourishment, assistance and spiritual growth. Our goal this year is $95,000 for our ministries.
We understand that not everyone can participate on November 28, but this year we have “EARLY GIVING”! Now you can donate online or offline during the NINE Days leading up to the #weGiveCatholic event, from November 19 through November 27. To encourage “EARLY GIVING”, we’re having a raffle for a Victory 35” Wood Pellet Grill valued at $799. Everyone who donates $50 or more during this period will be eligible, and the drawing will take place at 5PM on November 27. On the weekends of November 18/19 and 25/26, you will have an opportunity to donate after all Masses at the Main Entrance of the Church and at Coffee Hour on Sundays! There will be #weGiveCatholic donation envelopes in the pews and at the doors of the Church. We will again offer our Matching Donor Program. Make your donations go further by donating during the hours designated “Matching Donor” More information to follow.
Your support means the world to usRemember to seize the opportunity during “EARLY GIVING DAYS” and support St. Malachi Ministries – the
by Ed Shemo
St. Malachy Statue
St. Malachy was Archbishop of Armagh of Ireland. He was born in 1094, was ordained a priest at the age of 25 and died in 1148. St. Charles Borromeo set him as a model before his priests, pointing out how “he zealously sought out the needy in the remotest villages and cottages of his diocese and administered the sacraments to all alike renewing the fervor of the people receiving them.” St. Malachy especially sought to instill the use of the sacraments, especially confession and matrimony while spreading the Gospel message to the people of his homeland. His most famous possessions were the “Book of Armagh” and a crozier called the “Staff of Jesus” both reported to have belonged to St. Patrick. St. Malachy was the first Irish saint canonized by a Pope. His feast day is celebrated on November 3rd. Let us pray that our intercessions through St. Malachy may enable us to grow in the grace of God as our parish grows in the family of God. —Written by Andre Prevost
by Sharon Jesse
NO Noon Mass on Tuesday, October 10
On Tuesday, Oct. 10, Priests in our Diocese will be attending a 1-Day Convocation.
by Sharon Jesse
The current members are:
Judy Slivka, Chairperson; Cathy Graham, Vice Chair; Jan Durkalski, Secretary; Margaret Armstead; Claudia Cabrera; Fr. Gurnick; Matt Hils; Hollis Johnson; Jackie Krejcik; Sharon-Lowe-Chapman; Mike Pellegrino; Peter Toomey; and Jeff Walters.
The contact information for Parish Council leaders is on the front of the bulletin. Share your ideas and concerns with parish council members.
Council members will be in church the third Saturday after 4PM Mass or the third Sunday during coffee hour.
by Sharon Jesse
Please join us in Church after Masses next weekend as we begin the process of implanting the Strategic Plan. We need your input, ideas, questions and concerns as we move forward with our St. Patrick partners.
Our Strategic Planning Facilitator, Rosie Dolan Baker, will be present at the Listening Sessions and share some of the structural processes as we move forward.
by Ed Shemo
Dear Friends and Parishioners,
There is a saying that I heard many years ago: preach the whole truth from the pulpit, make the truth understood in the classroom, and handle any pain of truth in the confessional. In other words, as preachers and teachers, we have the duty to teach what the Church teaches with enthusiasm and without compromise. However, we have the privilege to walk with individuals who wrestle with those truths as we serve in the pastoral setting or within the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
As many of you are aware, Bishop Malesic recently distributed a document entitled Parish & School Policy on Issues of Sexuality and Gender Identity.
These issues have been raised by principals and pastors seeking clarification over the last several years and the Bishop has been asked to articulate Church teaching and offer guidelines, especially for those who minister to children and young adults.
As I read the policies, there really aren’t any new or novel positions the Diocese of Cleveland assumes. They reflect what we have always held about human gender and sexuality. However, I certainly understand the shock and possible dismay for many within our local Catholic community. This is especially true as many in our society (including some Catholics) have embraced new ideologies which accommodate varying positions about sexuality and gender identity. This societal shift has also called into question the role of parents – who we believe to be the primary educators and formators of their children – as these emerging positions are introduced into the education environment.
Acknowledging the makeup of our own parish community, I continue to work with both parishioners and others who identify as being LGBT+. Many of them are sincerely seeking relationship with the Lord as they wrestle with our teachings. In light of the Bishop’s recent statement, I have received emails this past week from several of these individuals. Some have described their personal pain while others have expressed appreciation that the Church is offering clarification on these important matters. And messages have been received from others who love and support our brothers and sisters experiencing same-sex attraction or gender identity issues.
As with all matters of faith and morals, I realize that there is a pastoral dimension to each situation. While the teaching is to be preached and taught with clarity, the pastoral conversations also need to continue. As your parish administrator, I stand ready to walk with you. To love each and every parishioner – regardless of one’s struggle – is my privilege and my promise. May we continue to walk this journey together as we seek Christ’s light, wisdom, and peace.
Sincerely yours in Christ Our Good Shepherd, Fr. Gurnick
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!