St. Malachi parishioners are welcome to send in their thoughts and reflections for publication on this website. All submissions are reviewed and edited by our editorial board who selects pieces based on consistency with the mission of the Parish. To submit your entry, email
Pope Francis Quote for 07/24-25-2021
I thank all those who have been close to me with prayer and affection during my hospital stay. Let us not forget to pray for the sick, and for those
Stewardship Moments: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary time, 07/25/2021
The story of the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes is a familiar one, and has many lessons, not least of which is how our willingness to share who
Pope Francis Quote for July 10-11
Underlying all our strengths and weaknesses, stronger than all our past hurts and failures, or our fears and concerns about the future, there is this great truth: we are beloved
Pope Francis Quotefor July 3-4, 2021
As he did on Pentecost, the Lord wants to work one of the greatest miracles we can experience. He wants to turn your hands, my hands, our hands, into signs
Pope Francis Quote for June 12-13
Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when
A Prayer for Mothers, 2021
A Prayer for Mothers All-loving God, we give you thanks and praise for mothers young and old. We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend
Pope Francis Quote, 05/08-09/2021
Come Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, reflected in all the peoples of the earth, so that we may discover anew that all are important and all are necessary…different faces
Stewardship Moments, 05/08-09/2021
In today’s Gospel, Jesus commands his disciples, whom he calls “friends,” to love one another as he loves them. Jesus uses the word “love” as a verb or a noun
2021 National Prayer for America
2021 National Prayer for America Lord, we look up and see the billions of stars You created, and we praise You. We look around and see the billions of people
Stewardship Moment: 5th Sunday of Easter, 05/02/2021
When Paul arrived in Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid of him, because they did not believe that he was a disciple. It took Barnabas to introduce him to the community