Wherever two or three or more are gathered in prayer (6 feet or many miles apart), let us pray for all of the members of our St. Malachi parish, their intentions, and all of the people on our prayer list at 7:00 PM (Eastern time) on Thursday.
by Ed Shemo
Wherever two or three or more are gathered in prayer (6 feet or many miles apart), let us pray for all of the members of our St. Malachi parish, their intentions, and all of the people on our prayer list at 7:00 PM (Eastern time) on Thursday.
by Nadge Herceg
This year we have the opportunity to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord during the February 1-2, 2020 weekend liturgy. This feast of light, exactly 40 days after Christmas, is also a traditional day for blessing all the candles that we use in church. You are invited to bring your own candles from home to be blessed at Mass for your family gatherings and prayer. This celebration will include a procession of light to begin Mass.
by Sharon Jesse
Sunday, January 12, 2020 is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the final feast of the Christmas season & the beginning of the Ordinary Time of the Church Year. This means it is time to remove Christmas decorations following 11:30AM Mass. Your help is truly needed! Everyone has enjoyed the beauty of our Christmas decorations; can you help pack them up for next year? Even a little help can make a difference! Any remaining poinsettias will be available for parishioners to take home. A $5 donation fee to the flower fun would be appreciated.
by Sharon Jesse
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human trafficking is a crime in which force, fraud or coercion is used to compel a person to perform labor, services or commercial sex. It affects all populations: adults, children, men, women, foreign nationals and U.S. citizens, and all economic classes. Learn about human trafficking in this country & particularly in your state & area. Visit US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking (sistersagainsttrafficking.org) website or The Collaborative to End Human Trafficking, located in Cleveland, providing educational programing & leading Greater Cleveland’s Coordinated Response to Human Trafficking: http://www.collaborativeinitiative.org.
by Sharon Jesse
Over the last several months, the parish upgraded to a new parishioner database. As a result, your statements and thank you notes will look different. We thank those who made donations during this time for their patience. Thank you notes have been generated and are being mailed.
by Sharon Jesse
“Jesus did not change history with a flood of words, but by the gift of His life. He did not wait until we were good before he loved us. In the same way, we should not wait for our neighbors to be good before we do good to them, for the Church to be perfect before we love her, for others to respect us before we serve them. Let us begin with ourselves. This is what it means to freely accept the gift of grace.” From the Pope’s homily, Dec. 24, 2019
by Sharon Jesse
As part of our marriage preparation journey all engaged couples are invited to participate in a “Date with Fr Gurnick” at the Cleveland Museum of Art from 1:30-4:30PM.
The following dates for 2020 are:
Sunday, February 2nd (March – June weddings);
Sunday, June 28th (July – September weddings);
Sunday, October 4th (October – December weddings).
Couples can choose a date earlier than their scheduled block if it is more convenient. Please RSVP to Fr. Gurnick at least two weeks prior to your preferred date at mgurnick@dioceseofcleveland.org.
by Sharon Jesse
Next weekend, January 18-19, 2020 is the collection for Catholic University of America which offers graduate and undergraduate courses in more than 180 academic programs. By giving to the National Collection, you will help support more than 6,000 students who are seeking a faith-filled education at an institution that supports cutting-edge research in multiple fields. Your investment will enable the University to continue to support the Church and to advance its work of preparing the next generation of leadership, both religious and lay, of our Church and nation.
by Sharon Jesse
January 18-25, 2020 is the annual observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme chosen for 2020 is “They Showed Us Unusual Kindness.” (cf. Acts 28:2) Throughout 2020, join Christians everywhere in praying “that they may all be one” joining our prayer with that of the Lord Jesus Christ. For more information go to: www.geii.org
by Sharon Jesse
We’re celebrating Catholic Schools! What’s new in Catholic Education? Find out and more in the latest issue of Northeast Ohio Catholic Magazine. Be sure to check your mailbox or go online at dioceseofcleveland.org.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!