Is the Lord calling you to the living waters of Baptism, or the Bread of Life offered at the altar? Are you interested in knowing more about the Catholic way of life? Of entering into the Mystery?
Follow the call and join us on the journey of the RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA is offered for anyone who feels called to the Catholic Faith.
God calls us in many different ways. No matter what a person’s reason for becoming Catholic, the Church prays that when God calls, a person responds.
We become Catholic by learning, praying, living as Catholics do. One of the missions of the Catholic Church is to help people respond to God’s call by walking with those who desire the Catholic way of life. The process of initiation is embodied in the RCIA.
Seeking information does not require a commitment. If you are interested in speaking about your experience of God and His call, please contact Kathy Wadowick at 216-631-6872 at St. Pat’s or Stephanie Pritts at 216-861-5343 at St. Malachi. We welcome you!
Who are they?
The people coming into the RCIA process are either adults or children over seven yrs of age who have never been baptized, or those who have been baptized in other Christian denominations, but whose baptism is recognized as valid in the Catholic Church. Also, there are those who come through the process who were baptized in the Catholic Church but have never learned or practiced their faith, having not received the sacraments of confirmation and/or Eucharist.