To request the amount of your annual contribution to St. Malachi Parish in 2021, either send an email to or call Jeanette at the rectory 216-861-5343 and a statement will be emailed or mailed to you.
by Ed Shemo
To request the amount of your annual contribution to St. Malachi Parish in 2021, either send an email to or call Jeanette at the rectory 216-861-5343 and a statement will be emailed or mailed to you.
by Ed Shemo
If you are looking for some help with prayer and/or want to develop a deeper relationship with the Blessed Trinity, you may want to consider spiritual direction. You can get help selecting and talking with trained and certified spiritual directors by contacting the Ignatian Spirituality Institute (; 216-397-1599), the Jesuit Retreat Center (440-884-9300: www.jesuitretreat, or River’s Edge (216-688-1111;
by Ed Shemo
Do you sense a longing for a deeper relationship with Christ? Do you desire to follow Jesus more closely, to be transformed by Him? If you notice a longing, yet are unsure of what steps to take next, join us for six Wednesday Eve online sessions to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, to encounter Jesus anew, and to be transformed evermore into his likeness. Join us online Wednesdays, January 19 thru February 23 from 6:30-7:30PM. A free personal account on is needed. For more info, contact Stephanie Pritts at
by Kevin Burke
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings and homily celebrated on Christmas Day. To listen access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings and homily celebrated on the the Christmas Vigil Mass. To listen access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings and homily celebrated on the the Third Sunday of Advent. To listen access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings and homily celebrated on the the Third Sunday of Advent. To listen access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here.
by Ed Shemo
Join us on December 22, 2021 beginning at 3:30PM to prepare the church for Christmas. Tasks both big and small for all ages! Come after work, bring the kids and we’ll continue the merriment over a meal at a local restaurant when the job is done.
by Ed Shemo
As some of you may know, Bishop Edward Malesic has appointed The Reverend Philip Bernier, OFM Cap, as Parochial Vicar of Saint Malachi Parish. This is in addition to his role as Administrator of Saint Peter Parish in Cleveland. Fr. Phil will continue to reside with his fellow friars at the Conversion of Saint Paul Shrine. As stated in the Bishop’s letter of appointment, Father will be available to “offer service in the pastoral ministry by common counsel and effort with the pastor (administrator) and under his authority.” In practical terms, Father Phil will be available for the celebration of Mass and other sacraments while also availing himself, as much as possible, to other aspects of pastoral life, keeping in mind that he has a number of other responsibilities apart from Saint Malachi. As a member of parish staff, his wisdom and experience will be much appreciated. On a personal note, I believe folks will find Father to be a wonderful addition to our parish family. I’ve known him for many years and find him to be a sincere man who is very approachable and who stands ready to accompany others. I also believe Father will make wonderful contributions to our parish visioning and planning process which will begin in 2022. Please join me in welcoming Father Phil to our parish community.
Fr. Gurnick
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!