2023 Offertory envelopes have arrived and are available at the church doors. Please write your name & address on the envelope as you begin using them so we can keep proper records of your contributions. Thank you
by Sharon Jesse
2023 Offertory envelopes have arrived and are available at the church doors. Please write your name & address on the envelope as you begin using them so we can keep proper records of your contributions. Thank you
by Sharon Jesse
Life is always a journey, and we become that which we move toward. Let us choose the way of God, not the way of the self, the way of yes, not if. Together we shall discover that there is no unexpected event, No difficult climb, no dark night that cannot be faced with Jesus by our side.
Pope Francis Regina Coeli Address. 4/26/2020
by Sharon Jesse
The annual Latin America collection will be the weekend of January 21, 2023 . In addition to offering our help and support to the Catholics of Latin America. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops invite you to aid our faithful brothers and Sisters in the Catholic Church of Latin America.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings and homily celebrated on the second Sunday of Ordinary Time. To listen access the MP3 audio file. The Mass is also available on the St. Malachi Parish YouTube Channel.
by Sharon Jesse
“Do good; seek justice.”
Lord, you called your people from slavery into freedom, Give us strength and courage to seek out those who are standing in need of justice. allow us to see this need and provide help, and through your Holy Spirit gather us into the one fold of Jesus Christ, our Shepherd. Amen.
by Sharon Jesse
Special thanks to all who made our Christmas celebrations so beautiful: staff, clergy, cleaners, decorators, musicians, cantors & choir members, liturgical ministers, sacristans & faith-filled people. How beautiful and how blest we are to have so many dedicated AND talented volunteers!
by Sharon Jesse
St. Malachi Parish has been blessed to receive a generous donation from a benefactor who has a great appreciation for St Malachi Parish and its ministry to the poor. They have allocated their donation to two specific projects:
(1) Hot and cold buffet servers for our Back Door Ministries and parishioner events. The buffet servers will streamline the serving process and keep the food at the proper temperature for our guests and parishioners to enjoy. The servers are on order and should arrive within the next few weeks.
(2) Complete the painting of the interior of the Church. Revised quotes are forthcoming and the painting of the worship area will be scheduled. Painting of the choir loft is on hold due to the scheduling of the removal the organ pipes (summer of 2024) in preparation of the painting.
by Sharon Jesse
Are you looking for a way to serve our parish, enhance your prayer life and be part of a beautiful team? Our Funeral Ministry is open to anyone who can be present to serve at funeral liturgies, usually in the morning but occasionally mid-day as the need arises. We are especially in need of singers, greeters and adult servers, but the need does arise for Lectors, Ministers of Communion and Sacristans.
No pay, but the benefits are out of this world! call Charlene at the rectory or email charlene.m@stmalachi.org.
by Kevin Burke
We are pleased to share the readings and homily celebrated on the Epiphany of the Lord. To listen access the MP3 audio file.
by Sharon Jesse
Pastor’s Column – 8 January 2023
Dear Friends and Parishioners,
January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Also known as trafficking in persons, this growing crisis includes forced labor and sex trafficking. Trafficking not only represents a threat to international peace and security but also undermines the rule of law, robs millions of their dignity and freedom, enriches transnational criminals and terrorists, and threatens public safety and national security everywhere. Furthermore, there are estimated to be more than 24.9 million people — adults and children — subjected to human trafficking. Traffickers often take advantage of instability caused by natural disasters, conflict, or a pandemic to exploit others (US Department of State).
As Catholics, we are called to protect the dignity of every human life. Let us be especially attentive to the realities of all forms of human trafficking. Here are some helpful things we can do to prevent trafficking:
Purchase and consume products manufactured or processed only by companies with sound labor policies and practices which help to prevent exploitation of others. This is important for a growing global economy. From where am I obtaining my food, clothing, cosmetics, other goods and items? Am I vacationing in countries or resorts with policies that promote employees’ rights and wellness? Does my employer do business with other companies that promote just wages and healthy working conditions?
Understand the connection between so-called “adult entertainment” and the exploitation of women, men, and children who become enmeshed in the industry, including pornography. While our American instinct is to permit a variety of freedoms of expression, pornography preys upon some of the most vulnerable including children, young adults and others who have never experienced a stable family life. Are my choices in entertainment contributing to these forms of exploitation?
Advocate for the defenseless. If you see something, say something! This simple yet direct message reminds us that we need to personally advocate for our at-risk brothers and sisters. It’s happening in our own community, especially among the homeless, poor, displaced immigrants, and youth. Am I aware of any suspicious activities occurring in my neighborhood?
For more information check out these sites:
While this is not an extensive list, it can begin a conversation. As we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, may we grow in awareness of Christ’s peace and His desire for us to live as instruments of God’s love in our world today.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Gurnick
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!