Are you available to pickup bakery at the Fairview Park Giant Eagle on the first Sunday of every month for the Back Door Ministry? This is an easy task and a great way to participate in this ministry. Please call Cathy Jacob 440-773-0829 or cathy. jacob3@gmail. com. Thanks!
Needed! Campus Ambassadors for the St. Malachi Church Run—March 16, 2019!
Please volunteer to welcome Runners/Walkers to our campus the morning of our Run on Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 7:30AM-11:00AM. This is a great opportunity to let people from far and wide know who we are and what we do. Info and FAQ sheets will be available for you to share with our guests at the table where you will assigned. If you can help, please contact Cathy Jacob at or Pat Masterson at! Thank you!
St. Malachi Parish, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Father Thomas Mahoney, February 10th, 2019
We are pleased to share this homily preached by Father Thomas Mahoney on the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time at the 11:30 AM Mass. To listen to the homily, first access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here
Congratulations Clair Kapitan on Achieving High Honors!
Congratulations to Parishioner Claire Kapitan, a student at St. Joseph Academy, who receive High Honors for the first semester of the school year. Great Job Claire!
Thank You Bob Simoneau for Your Years of Service!
After 12-plus years on the St. Malachi Parish Finance & Community of St. Malachi Finance Councils, Bob Simoneau has decided to retire! Thank you Bob for your hard work, as well as your countless thoughtful insights, ideas, and recommendations!
St. Malachi Parish, the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Father Neil Walters, February 3rd, 2019
We are pleased to share this homily preached by Father Tom Mahoney on the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time at the 11:30 AM Mass. To listen to the homily, first access the MP3 audio file. Want to subscribe to the St. Malachi Parish Homilies Podcast? Click Here
Congratulations Chris Speier and Joseph Lobozzo
Congratulations to parishioners Chris Speier, a Senior, and Joseph Lobozzo, a Freshman, who earned Academic honors for the first semester at St. Ignatius! Great job, Chris and Joe!
Support the St. Malachi Church Run!
Support the run! Proceeds from the run go directly to our ministry of serving the poor and needy. A $250 Patron Ad (listing in the program book & websites) will help to relieve the crisis facing these individuals. Call or email the rectory for details.
Winter Donations Needed
Throughout winter, please bring hats, socks, gloves, hand and foot warmers, granola and cereal bars to the Metanoia Office on the second floor of the school between the Masses.
Our Back-Door ministry needs eggs, cheese, coffee, sugar, creamer, and canned soups, which can be brought directly to the rectory kitchen. Our neighbors need our help!
Walk in Faith, Give in Joy February 9-10,2019
The 2019 In Pew Catholic Charities Annual Appeal will take place on February 9-10, 2019 in our parish. Your generous support will transform the lives of others, to offer dignity, possibilities and companionship to those who are most vulnerable.