Sign-up sheets are in the sacristy for the Noon Mass and 7:30PM Mass on Ash Wednesday which is March 6, 2019. Please consider serving on this important day.
African American/Native American Mission Collection, 03/09-03/10/2019
The weekend of March 9 & 10, 2019, is the 135th annual collection for the African American & Native American Missions in the U.S. Supporting this collection helps build the Church in these communities. There will be a second collection at all Masses.
Sir Jeffery Abood Presentation on Suffering of Christians in the Holy Land, 2/24/2019
On Sunday, February 24, 2019 Sir Jeffrey Abood, a knight in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, presented at St. Malachi about the suffering of Christians in the Holy Land, and their desperate need for our support.
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is an order of Knights in continuous service to the Pope since 1133. Their mission today is “to support the Christian presence in the Holy Land.”
Because of severe economic conditions resulting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) urgently recommends that we assist through Prayer, Pilgrimage, Projects and Public Actions.
A full copy of Sr. Jeffrey’s disturbing presentation is available here:
All St. Malachi parishioners are encouraged to sacrifice and make the most generous contribution possible to support the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, which is our Lenten mission for 2019. Please bring your contributions on Holy Thursday.
Update on Sexual Abuse and Prayer for Victims
On February 21-24, 2019, Catholic bishops from all over the world are meeting in Rome with Pope Francis to address the clergy sexual abuse crisis, to formulate steps to ensure that such abuse never takes place again, and to ensure transparency in dealing with any allegations of abuse. Join us after all Masses this weekend for a brief update on the Catholic Church and the sexual abuse crisis. Afterwards, there will be a time of prayer for all those affected by this crisis in our Church. God bless us all!
Volunteers Needed for 11:30 AM Coffee Hour
Can you volunteer one Sunday a month to serve coffee & donuts or bring milk/creamer and juice? Volunteers are needed for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays (when applicable) to serve coffee and donuts. One to two volunteers are needed each Sunday to bring a half gallon of milk or cream and a bottle of juice (no sugar or corn syrup added.)
Please Contact Jeff Barbalics if you are able to help 216-426-5272.
Ash Wednesday Liturgical Ministers Sign-Up Sheets
Sign-up sheets are in the sacristy for the Noon Mass and 7:30PM Mass on Ash Wednesday which is March 6, 2019. Please consider serving on this important day.
Heads Up! Holy Week Choir Begins, 03/07/2019
Plan to join the choir for our Sacred Triduum Celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. Call Charlene at the rectory or drop by the piano after Mass for further information. Rectory: 216-861-5343.
Scripture-Rites Study Cancelled, 02/24/2019
Scripture/Rites Study has been cancelled for Sunday, February 24, 2019. It will resume on March 3rd.
Ursuline Sisters Moving from St. Malachi
The Ursuline Sisters built new resident apartments for the Ursuline Community and our Sisters have decided to move into them. We will miss our Sisters but wish them many blessings in their new home!
Ursuline Sisters: Serving St. Malachi for 150 Years!
The Ursuline Sisters started teaching at St. Malachi in 1869 (only the girls!). In 1893, when the Christian Brothers left, they were granted permission to teach boys. However, St. Malachi maintained 2 separate schools (boys and girls) until about 1916, when the schools were combined into our current building. In 1968, St. Patrick and St. Malachi Schools merged to become Urban Community School. In 2005, Urban Community School moved to its new location continuing under the direction of the Ursuline Sisters. Thank you Sisters!