Many thanks to the fine group of parishioners & St. Ignatius volunteers for their great work on Saturday, April 28, 2019 to clean & beautify our parish grounds! Much was accomplished in a short time! Special thanks to Henry Speier & Brent Reid who coordinated the day! Thanks to all who have “picked a spot” on the parish grounds to garden & care for. Some spots are still available! Interested? Contact Jeanette Shemo at the office.
Collection for Catechetical Services, 05/11-12/2019
There will be a second collection this weekend for our diocesan Office of Catechetical Services. The Office supports & enhances the catechetical initiative (PSR programs) throughout the Diocese & supports faith formation for all, including adult faith formation, catechetical leader training & catechist formation for teachers of religion, media literacy, & college Newman Campus Ministry. Your support is an investment in faith formation & religious education throughout the Diocese of Cleveland.
Malachi Center’s Urgent Ongoing Need!
Malachi Center’s supply of men’s and women’s underwear is running low. They need men’s t-shirts, sizes L-XXL, men’s underwear, sizes L-XXL, ladies’ panties size 7-9 (M-2XL). Donations are accepted Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM at Malachi Center or you can leave them in the Malachi Center Donation Box by the St. Malachi Shrine.
Contact Andrea at or call (216) 771-3036 with any questions.
Scrutinies: What Are They?
On the 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays in Lent, those preparing for Baptism receive the Rite of Scrutiny. These prayers & blessings are intended to uncover & heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the Elect (those to be baptized), & to strengthen all that is upright, strong and good. They deliver the Elect from the power of Satan and protect them in Christ Jesus. Let us pray for Tyler Hardtke, Amy Police and Dan Condol in these final weeks, that their hearts are open to the sacramental graces they will receive through Baptism (Tyler), Confirmation and First Eucharist (Tyler, Amy and Dan) as well as all who will be entering the Church at Easter.
Catholic Relief Services
This weekend St. Malachi will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection to help Jesus in disguise. This collection helps six Catholic agencies provide relief and support to struggling communities and works for peace & reconciliation among our marginalized brothers & sisters here and around the world.
Signup Sheets for Triduum 2019
Triduum Liturgical Minister sign up sheets are available in the sacristy this weekend.
Launching St. Malachi Newsletter
The Fundraising Commission plans to publish a quarterly newsletter for parishioners. We need editors, writers, photographers & individuals skilled in newsletter layout. If you would like to be part of this new venture please contact Ed Shemo at or 216-598-5472.
Update on Sexual Abuse and Prayer for Victims
On February 21-24, 2019, Catholic bishops from all over the world are meeting in Rome with Pope Francis to address the clergy sexual abuse crisis, to formulate steps to ensure that such abuse never takes place again, and to ensure transparency in dealing with any allegations of abuse. Join us after all Masses this weekend for a brief update on the Catholic Church and the sexual abuse crisis. Afterwards, there will be a time of prayer for all those affected by this crisis in our Church. God bless us all!
Volunteers Needed for 11:30 AM Coffee Hour
Can you volunteer one Sunday a month to serve coffee & donuts or bring milk/creamer and juice? Volunteers are needed for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays (when applicable) to serve coffee and donuts. One to two volunteers are needed each Sunday to bring a half gallon of milk or cream and a bottle of juice (no sugar or corn syrup added.)
Please Contact Jeff Barbalics if you are able to help 216-426-5272.
Ash Wednesday Liturgical Ministers Sign-Up Sheets
Sign-up sheets are in the sacristy for the Noon Mass and 7:30PM Mass on Ash Wednesday which is March 6, 2019. Please consider serving on this important day.