Join us in the church on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 7 PM. Experience Taize prayer to deepen your prayer experience with chanting, deep silence, and candlelight.
Fake Emails Sent
Recently another round of fake emails is asking folks for financial assistance on behalf of Fr. Gurnick. Please ignore – don’t even open them. Fr. Gurnick has only one email address he uses and it is published on the parish bulletin. Furthermore, parishioners would ordinarily not be reached via email for any such solicitation
The St. Malachi Church Run Needs You!
The run committee is in full swing planning the 40th annual run! Want to be involved in the planning of this event and contributing to the Parish’s largest fundraiser? You don’t need to be a runner. We need people to assist with entertainment and an expo, among other things. Also we are looking for an honorary chair that will lend a lot of excitement to the event. Do you know a local media or sports personality that might want to be involved? Contact Sharon Chapman at (440) 666-8699, to volunteer or if you know a potential honorary chair.
2020 Church Collection Envelopes Available
2020 Offertory envelopes are available at the church doors. Please write your name and address on the envelope as you begin using them so we can keep proper records of your contributions. Thank you!
Mary the Mother of God & World Day of Prayer for Peace, 01/01/2020
Wednesday, New Year’s Day 2020, is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God; it is also the World Day of Prayer for Peace. There will be a 4:30PM Vigil Mass on Tuesday, December 31 and a 10:00AM Mass on New Year’s Day. As we enter a new year, let us pray that peace will prevail on earth and that each of us, like Mary, “may keep all these things, reflecting on them in our hearts.” (cf. Luke 2: 19)
Pope Francis Quote for 12/28-29/2019
By being born in a manger, God himself launches the only true revolution that can give hope and dignity to the disinherited and the outcast: the revolution of love, the revolution of tenderness. From the manger, Jesus proclaims in a meek yet powerful way, the need for sharing with the poor as the path to a more human and fraternal world, in which no one is excluded or marginalized. Address, Dec. 14, 2019
Stewardship Moments: Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
In today’s second reading we listen to one of the most compelling exhortations for Christian living: “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Col 3:17). “Whatever you do”—that means the whole of life is to be related to Christ Jesus. Everything in life, every activity, can become an act of glorifying the Lord. Good stewards commit even their daily routine to Christ: doing everything “in the name of the Lord.” Perhaps it would be a good idea this week to memorize this marvelous verse and repeat it to yourself frequently. Make it part of your morning prayer each day.
Donations Needed for Back Door Ministry
We are grateful for all the donations we receive. But there are some items that we always need. Donations of the following items would be appreciated: coffee, sugar, creamer, eggs, butter, oil, seasonings, hot and cold cereals. Please bring your donations to the rectory between 8:30AM –2PM on weekdays, 9:30AM-2PM on Saturdays and 8:30AM-Noon on Sundays.
Pastor’s Column, 12/22/2019
Pastor’s Column.JPV
22 December 2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we rapidly approach the Solemnity of Our Lord’s Nativity I find two experiences of joy so evident at both Saint Patrick and at Saint Malachi. I’d like to share them with you on this 4th Sunday of Advent.
The first joyful experience is the constant ringing of rectory doorbell and the telephone throughout the day at each parish. They reflect an important aspect of the spirit of this holy season in that many of these visits or phone calls involve the dropping off of gifts and donations for the Poor. Other visits and calls have to do with those who accept the invitation to be assisted. Furthermore, as I witness the Back Door Ministry at Saint Malachi and the hot meals at Saint Patrick, the Gospel is joyfully proclaimed daily. This work is done daily and weekly and throughout the entire year as generous parishioners and friends of our communities lift up their hearts and hands.
The second joyful experience is the number of people – our regular folks as well as new faces – joining in our liturgies, or our Advent/Christmas Scripture Journey, or seeking the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
These encounters of grace and blessing epitomizes the true purpose for Christmas as we are called to honor our God who chose to become One like us in all things, but sin. The activity found at both of these parishes demonstrate how so many disciples are responding to the Lord’s invitation to announce these glad tidings of comfort and joy!
Wherever your travels take you during these holy days, may you and your loved ones enjoy an abundance of God’s blessings. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!
In Christ the Eternal Word,
Fr. Gurnick
Creation Care – December – Home Heating
Did you know that you can save about 1% on your heating bill for every degree you lower your thermostat over an 8-hour period in the winter? A programmable thermostat makes it easy allow your house to cool when no one is home or during the night and to tap into 10-20% savings on your annual energy bill. Many families save enough to pay for the new thermostat in a few months. Not only can you save money, but you also reduce the pollution associated with energy generation. We are sojourners on God’s earth, let us walk as gently as possible.
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