Memorial Day was established to pray for those who have given their lives for our country and honor our deceased. Please join our partner parishes for 9:00 AM Mass as St. Wendelin’s this Monday, May 30, 2022.
Get Your HS Graduate Connected to Newman Campus Ministry!
Students need community to stay connected to their faith in college. Having a faith filled group of friends ready for their arrival on campus is comforting for an incoming freshman. Click here to connect: or scan this QR Code with your phone,
Painting Inside the Church, June 2022
Beginning June 6th, 2022, the second phase of painting the inside of the Church will begin. It is estimated that the project will last three weeks. Weekend Masses will continue to be celebrated in the Church. However, due to the painting, there will be NO Noon Masses celebrated in the Church on June 7th and June 10th.
We invite you to attend the 11:00 AM Mass at St. Wendelin’s on Monday, Tuesday and Friday or St. John’s Cathedral for Noon Mass each weekday. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Did you miss the Annual Meeting? 2022
Handouts from the Annual Meeting are at the entrances to the church. You may also view the lively Annual Meeting on the St. Malachi YouTube page.
Important information was provided and the Q&A session was quite informative as well!
Union Home Mortgage 2022 Cleveland Marathon Road Closures, 05/22/22
The Union Home Mortgage 2022 Cleveland Marathon is Sunday, May 22, 2022. The roads leading to St. Malachi Church on Sunday, May 22, will be affected by road closures and the runners.
There WILL be access to St. Malachi for Mass. Passes are available at the church doors for anyone coming to the 10:00AM Mass. Show the pass to the traffic guard; however, there will be delays in crossing, depending on the time and number of runners passing by. Avoiding the West Shoreway is recommended. See the route map in this week’s bulletin.
St Malachi and St Patrick parishioners have free access to—The Catholic Faith on Demand. To create your free account, go to Click “sign up” as a “parishioner” of “near west partner parishes.” Enter email and password, find an email from and “start watching.”
It’s simple, free, and rich in movies, books, audios, studies, and children’s material. Feed your and your family’s faith for free! Join now!
St. Malachi Annual Parish Meeting, 05/15/2022 11:00 AM
All St Malachi parishioners are encouraged to attend the Parish Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 15, 2022, following the 10AM
Mass in the Church and via live stream. Join us to discuss Parking Plans, the Strategic Planning process, Finance Council Report, meet Parish Council Candidates,
Welcoming Initiatives at St Malachi and the Administrator’s Report from Fr Gurnick.
The meeting will last one hour. Following the Meeting, Hospitality will provide refreshments and the opportunity to see the New Parish Meeting Space in the former Library!
St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes, 04/05/22
Minutes from the April 5, 2022 meeting
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham;
Melissa Smith-Morales; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Margaret Armstead; Janet Benoit; Tony Cresci. Absent: Deacon Leo Bistak; Shawn Blankenship; Heather Gernheim Guests: Jeanette Shemo; Max Giorgi; Hollis Johnson; Jim Bishop Opening Prayer: Patrick Cleary-Burns
Education & Enrichment: Parishioner, Hollis Johnson, shared the inspirational story of his life and journey “back” to the church
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes were approved as written
- Review of recent Ministry Leadership Meeting ●Annual Parish Meeting (5/15/22): Judy Slivka
- Draft of agenda was reviewed ●Comment cards will be used for question/answer
- Will attempt to focus on solutions instead of gripes ●Nominations for council: 4 have agreed so far
- Parking issues: Jim Bishop
- Atwood Industries lot on Washington St. may be available for our use on Sundays; a formal contract is pending
- A letter was sent to the area councilman re: concerns about signage, traffic light changes & safety issues
- Conversations are pending about moving the dumpsters to improve parking access at Malachi Center
- Parking on Vermont will be limited to those with mobility issues
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
- An insert for the next bulletin will list the Strategic Planning Team chosen to help create the vision & process; meetings are scheduled
- To focus on strategic planning, we may need to re-think the frequency of council meetings so Fr. Gurnick can attend
- Structural repairs have been approved for: Church: the next phase of painting; School: re-do of the 2nd floor bathroom & steps
- Tony Cresci described the Young Adult Ministry’s “7-Church Walk” this-coming Saturday beginning at St. John’s Cathedral and ending at St. Malachi’s
- Max Giorgi reminded us about & requested hospitality help for the combined meeting of all the Journey-Through-Lent groups on Palm Sunday at 3p
- Next council meeting: May 3, 2022
Summary of Meeting: Cathy Graham Closing Prayer: Steph Riccobene
Respectfully submitted, Judy Stowe, Secretary
Collection for Catechetical Services, 05/07 – 05/08/2022
This weekend is the annual appeal for our Diocesan Office of Catechetical Services. The Office supports & enhances the catechetical initiative (PSR programs) throughout the Diocese & supports faith formation for all, including adult faith formation, catechetical leader training & catechist formation for teachers of religion, media literacy, & college Newman Campus Ministry.
Your support is an investment in faith formation & religious education throughout the Diocese of Cleveland.
A Prayer for Mothers
All-loving God, we give you thanks and praise for mothers young and old.
We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend to our every need; May they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for their families and themselves with great joy.
We pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us; May they continue to guide in strong and gentle ways.
We remember mothers who are separated from their children because of war, poverty, or conflict; May they feel the loving embrace of our God who wipes every tear away.
We pray for women who are not mothers but still love and shape us with motherly care and compassion.
We remember mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love. Amen.
… Heidi Busse
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