St. Malachi parish is now accepting credit cards —MasterCard, Visa, Discover & American Express. If you want to make a contribution or payment by credit card, please call the rectory, 216-861-5343.
by Ed Shemo
St. Malachi parish is now accepting credit cards —MasterCard, Visa, Discover & American Express. If you want to make a contribution or payment by credit card, please call the rectory, 216-861-5343.
by Ed Shemo
The Latin American Collection is , January 26-27, 2019 at all Masses. This is the only appeal for our Cleveland Latin American Mission in El Salvador. It is the main support for two diocesan priests working in the parishes served by our Mission. This appeal also contributes to the Catholic Bishops’ Collection for the Church in Latin America, which benefits projects & formation of seminarians, religious and lay leaders in 23 countries across Latin America. Please be generous.
by Ed Shemo
January 18-25, 2019 is the annual observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme for 2019 is “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” (Deuter- onomy 16:18-20) and was prepared by churches in Indonesia. In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways. During this week we are called to celebrate this diversity and be faithful to Christ’s call for the unity of his Church. All are invited to join with brothers and sisters in prayer, song, and witness to unity as followers of Christ.
by Ed Shemo
The Diaconate Formation Office is accepting inquiries for men interested in the diaconate. Are you interested in learning more about the diaconate? There are many things to consider in discerning a vocation as a permanent deacon. If you thought of it or someone mentioned it to you, and you would like to learn more about the diaconate, contact Deacon Leo at 440-340-5631 or email him at
by Ed Shemo
To request the amount of your annual contribution to St. Malachi Parish in 2018, either send an email to or call Jeanette at the rectory 216-861-5343 and a statement will be emailed or mailed to you.
by Ed Shemo
Throughout winter, please bring hats, socks, gloves, hand & foot warmers, granola and cereal bars to the Metanoia Office on the second floor of the school between the Masses. Our Back Door Ministry needs eggs, cheese, coffee, sugar, creamer, and canned soups, which can be brought directly to the rectory kitchen. Our neighbors need our help!
by Ed Shemo
The 20th annual Reunion Dance for the benefit of Little Brothers & Sisters of the Eucharist is Friday, January 18, 2019from 8:00PM to Midnight at St. Clarence Hall, 30101 Lorain Rd., North Olmsted. Live music by the Portersharks; $25 donation includes light refreshments & free valet parking. For further information & tickets, call 216-251-4075.
by Ed Shemo
In today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke we hear the proclamation of the baptism of Jesus with “all the people.” Indeed, “heaven was opened,” and the Father announced his special favor. Whenever we partake of the body and blood of Christ, heed his call in our daily lives, share his Good News, become instruments of his transforming justice and peace, heaven is opened to us, and through the Holy Spirit, the Lord announces his special favor on us as well. A good stewardship reflection this week might be this: How, or in what ways, have we personally experienced God’s special favor in our lives?
by Ed Shemo
Near West Young Adults will continue to meet each 2nd Sunday at 10:15AM in the Library using The Wild Goose, an online study of the Holy Spirit. You can join anytime! Also, on each 4th Sunday, young adults will now meet for brunch after 11:30AM Mass at the Big Egg on Detroit. All welcome! Contact to be on the contact list.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!