Wherever two or three or more are gathered in prayer (6 feet or many miles apart), let us pray for all of the members of our St. Malachi parish, their intentions, and all of the people on our prayer list at 7:00 PM (Eastern time) on Thursday.
by Ed Shemo
Wherever two or three or more are gathered in prayer (6 feet or many miles apart), let us pray for all of the members of our St. Malachi parish, their intentions, and all of the people on our prayer list at 7:00 PM (Eastern time) on Thursday.
by Ed Shemo
Join us December 7, 2019 from Noon-5:00 PM at 4515 Superior Avenue (North Presbyterian Church). At 3:00 PM Malaz Elgemiabby of Sudan will be sharing how art played a role in deposing the dictator using nonviolence. There will also be a Holiday Bazaar for the Cleveland Nonviolence Network. St. Malachi Social Action Commission is a co-sponsor of the event.
by Ed Shemo
Please join us for Theology on the Rocks, Monday, December 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM at Vosh, 1414 Riverside Dr., Lakewood (formerly Three Birds—Georgetown). Many of us have a ‘general’ idea of what Judaism, as a faith, is, but truth be told there is so much we don’t know or understand. Join us as Fr. Hilinski, Delegate for Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs, is joined by a special guest, Rabbi Stephen Weiss, B’nai Jeshurun Temple, to discuss with us what it means to be Jewish Cost is $12 per person (incl. appetizers & cash bar) —register in advance at https://theologyontherocks.wixsite.com/west.
by Ed Shemo
During Advent, the Social Action Commission invites you to participate in the Advent Giving Project to benefit Malachi Center’s Christmas party for the homeless. Select a gift tag from the display in the front of church. Purchase one or more of the gifts on the tag & bring the gift to church or the Center by Friday, December 13, 2019. Individuals & families are encouraged to participate. Your gifts will bring a smile & a bit of comfort to those in need this Christmas.
Wish List: Duffel bags; White socks; White T-shirts – Men’s sizes: L, XL, XXL, XXXL; Women’s sizes: M, L, XL; Winter Hats; Gloves; Hand Warmers; Deodorant (no aerosol types); Vaseline; Disposable Razors; Shaving Cream; After Shave Lotion; Travel sizes of Toothbrushes & Toothpaste, Shampoo, Lotion, Soap or Body Wash. Walmart and/or Sam’s Club gift cards are appreciated & are used to purchase needed items. Contact Lynn Scott at (216) 771-3036 or lynn@mal achicenter.org for more information.
by Ed Shemo
The Comboni Missionaries are grateful for your generous support. “Your offering represents your heartwarming response to the mission appeal. May the Lord bless and reward you for the interest and concern you have shown for our missionaries and may we continue to work together in our common goal of spreading the word of Jesus”
by Ed Shemo
St. Malachi Parish is committed to building God’s kingdom for the future. St. Malachi has partnered with The Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Cleveland to assist parishioners in legacy giving opportunities. The Foundation offers several options such as bequests and savings bonds. When you make plans to leave a gift to the Church, you demonstrate your gratitude to God for all the gifts with which God has blessed you. To learn more about the Legacy Giving Program, please contact Mary Lou Ozimek at 216-696-6525 x4070. Brochures explaining the program are located at the church doors.
by Ed Shemo
As cooler weather, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays approach, it is helpful to consider the following guidelines when you or someone you know are considering donating to the St. Malachi Clothing Ministry:
—The Clothing Ministry receives a great many donations between Thanksgiving and New Year. It would be most helpful to donate winter clothing after this holiday period if at all possible.
—A limit of 6 bags or boxes of donations per donation source, unless pre-arranged with a member of the St. Malachi Center, St. Malachi Church staff or clothing ministry volunteers (Pat Daw 216-338-5260 or Mary Carol or John Lucic 216-221-5017).
—A request that 75% of donations be FOR MEN, including seasonal, clean, lightly worn or new casual clothing, such as pants, jeans, t-shirts, button shirts, sweatshirts, socks, shoes and seasonal hoodies, coats, gloves and hats. Ideally, 25% or less of donations should be for woman and children.
—Please bring donations to the church basement Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM, or before or after the weekend masses. The church basement door is on the north side of the church.
by Ed Shemo
Build bridges with those who do not believe or with those who have a different creed from ours. Always build bridges, always reach out, no aggression. Ask the Holy Spirit for the capacity to delicately inculturate the message of faith, placing a contemplative gaze on those who are ignorant of Christ, moved by a love that warms even the most hardened hearts. General Audience, Nov. 6, 2019.
by Ed Shemo
As we begin our new Church year this first Sunday in Advent, Matthew tells us that Jesus reminds us about our main purpose in life to be awake, aware and prepare the way. Hearing about floods and thieves in the night is certainly ominous, but we realize how fragile life is and what a gift we have in this one life. Those people who flee their homes due to floods, fires, storms & wars know that all can be lost in a moment. Jesus challenges us to focus on those things that are truly important, not to stay awake every night, but to be in the present so that we might recognize him when least expected. Paul challenges us to put on the armor of light as we prepare for the day of salvation. Isaiah reminds us to put away our swords and our spears. As good stewards, we ask God to show us how to recognize the face of God in all we encounter. In our prayer, we ask God to help us to notice in our busyness what is truly important.
by Ed Shemo
Elvis Grbac, Athletic Director and Football Coach at Villa Angela – St. Joseph, Former NFL Quarterback and Motivational Speaker, will speak on Faith Family and Future on Thursday, December 5, 2019, at The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Avenue, 2nd Floor, Registration opens at 11:30 AM & the program begins at Noon. Lunch is $25 per person or $250 for a table of 10; reservations: on-line at https://www.firstfriday clubcleveland.org; email: admin@firstfridayclub cleveland.org or call 216-589-9852.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!