Underlying all our strengths and weaknesses, stronger than all our past hurts and failures, or our fears and concerns about the future, there is this great truth: we are beloved sons and daughters of God. Pope Francis on Twitter
by Ed Shemo
Underlying all our strengths and weaknesses, stronger than all our past hurts and failures, or our fears and concerns about the future, there is this great truth: we are beloved sons and daughters of God. Pope Francis on Twitter
by Ed Shemo
a faith-based organization, is in serious need of assistants to care for and engage with adults with developmental disabilities in our group homes. We can use your help on a fulltime, part-time, or summer basis for days, evening, nights, or weekends. No experience is necessary; we will train you. We can be flexible in hours and we offer health benefits. This is a rewarding job; it is providing to those most in need. “The goal of education and formation of the ministry is continually to recognize the Lord’s voice, his face, and his touch in every person we meet” -Henri Nouwen. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Leo Shriver at 216-721-2614 or leo@larchecleveland.org.
by Ed Shemo
L’Arche Cleveland is a faith-based, nonprofit that provides loving, caring group homes for adults with developmental disabilities. At L’Arche, our residents are called “Core Members” because they are at the core of our mission. We are not a temporary placement nor a way station in life; we provide a home for the Core Members’ entire lives. We become the Core Members’ family. For some, we are their only family. Please remember the Core Members, the assistants who lovingly care for them, and our management team in your prayers. (larchecleveland.org)
by Ed Shemo
Each year, the Church welcomes into full communion those who have been called by a “holy longing” to enter a formational experience, the RCIA journey, which leads to Sacraments of Initiation. Regular catechetical sessions begin in September. Please refer anyone who is interested to Stephanie Pritts at stephanie.p@stmalachi.org.
by Ed Shemo
Thank you to all who supported our Lenten Collection. $350 was donated to the St. Kizito Foundation. Fr. Don Dunson, founder of the foundation and pastor of St. Angela Merici Church expressed his gratitude for the donation and shared that the $350 would educate a student for the entire year. The foundation supports approximately 300 Uganda students in their education and life. The students are at all levels of study. The foundation’s primary focus is to provide the students with sufficient and appropriate education so that they may earn a living and have a successful life.
by Ed Shemo
In his Letter to the Ephesians, Saint Paul teaches that God, the Father, has established a divine plan to bring all of creation to Christ and that He has blessed us with an abundance of divine gifts to help implement that plan. Christian stewards know what their gifts are and remain committed to using them in the service of the Lord. Do we know what our gifts are? Do we believe that God has given us these gifts? Are we committed to using our gifts to serve the Lord?
by Ed Shemo
The north entrance of the church remains closed due to the replacement of the steps. The church building will remain closed this week as the repair and painting of the damaged walls in the sanctuary continues. Weekday Mass Temporarily Re-Located: Saint Patrick Parish will temporarily be home to the 12Noon Masses this Tuesday, July 6; and Friday, July 9. We anticipate that the painting of the church will be completed by the end of the week and we will celebrate Mass in the Church next weekend. All requested Mass intentions will be honored for these days. In the event of a funeral, families are welcome at St. Patrick during this period. Please call Jeanette or Charlene at the rectory 216-861-5343.
by Ed Shemo
Thank you for being a part of our St. Malachi Parish family. We appreciate all that you do for our parish and community by sharing your God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure.
This summer, we pray that you will have some quiet and restful time that includes the love, joy and peace of being with family and friends. Please consider that St. Malachi Parish continues to be open for Mass, numerous activities and the Sacraments. During these summer months your generosity through Faith Direct can help provide the consistent resources we need to operate our parish and ministries. Being part of this challenge is simple. You can set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift by visiting faith.direct/OH337; texting ‘Enroll’ to 216-930-1310; or visiting the St. Malachi website and clicking on the “donate” button. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.
by Ed Shemo
The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a one hour pre-planning seminar on Wednesday, July 14, at 5:30PM. Please join us to learn more about your Catholic burial options, including options for cremated remains. Attendees will receive a personal reference guide and savings certificate. Please know the CCA follows the current CDC guidance regarding COVID-19 protocols. We kindly ask that you RSVP to this event to HOLY CROSS Cemetery – 14609 Brookpark Rd., Brook Park 216/641-7575 ext. 3.
by Ed Shemo
Our Lady of Mount Carmel West, 6928 Detroit Ave, is holding their 95th Italian Festival from July 7th through July 14, 2021. Enjoy dinner at the Italian Villa. There will be Games, Italian food, Live Bands, Food Trucks, and more. There is also a drawing with a grand prize of $5,000. On July 11th there will be a “Procession of the Saints” following the 11:30AM Mass. Please join us for fun and great Italian food. For further information, please call the rectory at 216-651-5043.
The St. Malachi Parish Mission: We are a Eucharistic People, United in Prayer, Welcoming to All and Serving the Poor.
Celebrating Over 150 Years of Faithful Service in the Old Angle!