We are thrilled to announce the return of #weGiveCatholic on November 28, 2023, a one-day fundraiser dedicated to supporting St. Malachi Ministries – The Heart of Our Church. Your incredible support has made a real difference, and we’re truly thankful for your commitment to our mission of nourishment, assistance and spiritual growth. Our goal this year is $95,000 for our ministries.
We understand that not everyone can participate on November 28, but this year we have “EARLY GIVING”! Now you can donate online or offline during the NINE Days leading up to the #weGiveCatholic event, from November 19 through November 27. To encourage “EARLY GIVING”, we’re having a raffle for a Victory 35” Wood Pellet Grill valued at $799. Everyone who donates $50 or more during this period will be eligible, and the drawing will take place at 5PM on November 27. On the weekends of November 18/19 and 25/26, you will have an opportunity to donate after all Masses at the Main Entrance of the Church and at Coffee Hour on Sundays! There will be #weGiveCatholic donation envelopes in the pews and at the doors of the Church. We will again offer our Matching Donor Program. Make your donations go further by donating during the hours designated “Matching Donor” More information to follow.
- Give online at https://www.wegivecatholic.org/organization/St-Malachi-Church?mode=edit or Click on the QR code to donate
- “Text-to-Give”: Text STMALACHI to 844-844-6844 to make your donation.
- Cash or checks can be placed in the collection basket or mailed. Make checks payable to St. Malachi Church with #weGiveCatholic on the memo line or envelope.
- Credit cards are accepted for #weGiveCatholic. Call 216-861-5343 or stop by the rectory to make your donation on or before November 28, 2023. We accept MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American Express.
Your support means the world to usRemember to seize the opportunity during “EARLY GIVING DAYS” and support St. Malachi Ministries – the