Jesus is the light of God who has entered into the darkness of the world. God is light: in Him there is no opacity; in us, on the other hand, there is much darkness. Now, with Jesus, light and darkness meet: holiness and sin, grace and sin. The Gospel uses these polarities to announce God’s “splendid” way of acting. When God is confronted with our frailties, He does not pull back and retreat into His eternal, infinite light. Rather, God descends into darkness, and dwells in lands that are foreign to Him. This is God’s work: to come among us. If we consider ourselves unworthy, that does not stop Him. If we reject Him, He does not tire of seeking us out. If we are not ready and willing to receive Him, He prefers to come anyway. We often keep our distance from God because we doubt our worthiness. God wishes to be incarnate, urging us to overcome our fears by drawing near to Jesus. Angelus Prayer, 1/2/22