St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council – Minutes from the April 6, 2021 meeting via Zoom
In Attendance: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; John Paul Stephens; Cathy Graham; Jim Bishop; Melissa Smith-Morales; Linda Wilson; Heather Gerheim; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Fr. Michael Gurnick
Guests: Deacon Leo Bistak; Jeanette Shemo; Stephanie Pritts Opening Prayer: Judy Slivka
Education & Planning:
Review of Easter Triduum: Most felt soothed/blessed to be back and sing together again after almost a year; Sunday’s 10a Mass was “a full house.”
Annual Meeting: Various plans were discussed for the event to be held following the 10am Mass on April 25, 2021; options included live-streaming, Zoom & hybrid, with the latter being decided upon; the 1-hour meeting will start 10 minutes after Mass ends; water will be provided by the Hospitality Ministry.
Approval of the minutes: The minutes from the 3/2/21 meeting were approved as written
Council Terms: A 6-month term extension to 6/24 was approved for Claudia Cabrera. Currently there are 4 terms to be filled: 1 for 1 year; 3 for 3 years (see nominees below)
Announcing Council Nominees: Margaret Armsted; Janet Benoit; Shawn Blankenship; Jim Connell; Tony Cresci; Pat Masterson; council members concurred with the list.
Update of Ministry Outreach: To date Fr. Gurnick has had 1-hour conversations with representatives from the following ministries: Hospitality; Spiritual Development; Social Action; Building & Grounds; Communications.
Support for Fr. Jim: At the annual meeting, we will be videotaping messages from parishioners to be compiled and sent to him.
Prayer Petitions: We discussed the need for more frequent inclusion of the parish Ministries as well as prayers to promote awareness of climate problems and to end racism & hunger; the issue will be discussed with Fr. Hollis and submitted to the Liturgy Commission.
Back Door Evening Supper: We reviewed the current status & concluded due to COVID, it is not the best time to reevaluate. At this point, we can only dream about new ways to distribute food–maybe even a “Side Door Café?”
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
Progress is being made on facilitating the resumption of AA/NA meetings (The Angle meeting reportedly wants to return) & Jeanette is working on the logistics. Various issues must first be addressed: realistic start time (May 1? July 1?); appropriate spaces available; sanitation requirements; finances; new ordinances to be adhered to.
New building at Vermont/W. 25th: Per Bridgeworks (Ohio City Commission), plans are being finalized & many questions have emerged: how we can be a good neighbor; how will the building be used; financial strategies; traffic & parking issues. Jim Bishop was asked to be in charge of Outreach.
Crumbling Steps: Repairs will cost $24,000. Summary of Meeting: Cathy Graham
Closing Prayer: Patrick Cleary-Burns Next Meeting: May 4, 2021 at 6:30pm
Respectfully submitted, Judy Stowe, Secretary