In Attendance: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Deacon Leo Bistak; John Paul Stephens; Cathy Graham; Jim Bishop; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Fr. Michael Gurnick; Melissa Smith-Morales; Linda Wilson; Heather Gerheim.
Guests: Charlene McElwee; Stephanie Pritts; Jeanette Shemo; Sharon Lowe-Chapman
Opening Prayer: Cathy Graham
Education & Enrichment: Another lively discussion ensued regarding the ongoing study of “Our Parish Now and Post-COVID,” which focused mainly on the need to identify specific and active ways to enhance our mission to be welcome to all.
- The minutes from 2/2/2021 were approved as written.
- Plans to develop a weekly/bi-weekly parish news-email are progressing.
- Weekly collections are still down; Faith Direct participation has increased.
- Council 2021-2022: Judy Slivka & Cathy Graham are zeroing in on nominees
- Annual Meeting (4/25): plans for the agenda and possible after-mass Zoom format are being finalized.
- Ministry Outreach: meetings with all the minis- tries are being scheduled with Fr. Gurnick
- Malachi Run/Walk (9/18/21): Sharon Lowe- Chapman provided an excellent update including an already-growing wait list, pub- licity, sponsors & fund-raising activities.
- Communications: Patrick is working on help from the Catholic Youth Organization
Administrator’s Report: Fr. Gurnick
- Contacts are being made to find a local Catholic school to form a relationship with St. Malachi Parish.
- Openings for AA meetings at St. Malachi are being considered—more in April.
- Although guidelines for the new building on Vermont/W.25th have been revised, alternative parking areas (possibly Malachi Center) still being investigated.
Announcements: Kudos to Charlene for her amazing music programming during masses!
Summary of Meeting: Linda Wilson
Closing Prayer: Jim Bishop
Next Meeting: April 6, 2021 at 6:30 PM via Zoom
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary